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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    Gap bed thread

    Post up here to get a bed, or if you have an extra.
  2. Post up here if you need a trailer spot or have an open trailer spot. This is the thread to get a hook up, so to speak. I will edit this OP to keep a running count of who needs/has what. Needs a spot, Cleveland area: Tpoppa
  3. Tonik

    F U UPS

    When you get to be my age you realize that with wives the best plan is to pay it forward. I have been tiling the basement bathroom all week. I am good to go.
  4. Transcendental engineering. The Time Lords invented it long long ago, it's a Timey Whimey thing.
  5. Tonik

    2015 Grom

    So years ago there was a BBS called Fucked Company. It was a real cesspool, I loved it there. It was massive trolling taken to the ultimate level, we were good. We trolled the living hell out of each other. We had a tradition, when you really nailed someone we would post up the 'Mittens of Ownage'. We need @Casper to add this...but for now I will just post it up. The idea is that the little mittens make the W in OWNED!!
  6. Tonik

    F U UPS

    Meanwhile, Fed Ex just dropped the ECU off at the wife's work. No drama, just did their job.
  7. Cost and ease of installation. A full real surround system will sound better, but cost more and require more effort to setup correctly.
  8. Tonik

    F U UPS

    I know about 20 people that have used his ECU flash on my bike...he just started doing it. The change is amazing based on what they are saying, far beyond anything a PCI could do.
  9. Tonik

    F U UPS

    God damn UPS. Ordered moonshine supplies for the gap trip. Ground from where I get it is 3 days according to UPS. Shipped Tuesday, scheduled delivery is next Tuesday..which is 5 business days. Fuckers.
  10. Don't dick around getting a room/cabin. When I got my lodge king a few weeks ago they were almost full.
  11. They do, on the front. Two giant white lights that flash back and forth. They call them ditch lights.
  12. From mobile, bottom left the little paper clip choose files. Should I change the tags you put on the post to. 'Sorry Casper'?
  13. I've seen that guy on TV. He is a kangaroo whisperer or something. His entire life is devoted to rescuing orphaned roo's along the highways. He wears a pouch for the little ones and carries them around. Quite the guy.
  14. Tonik

    F U UPS

    No rain up here asshat.
  15. Tonik

    F U UPS

    Lol, ivan just called to get my credit card info and is shipping it today. Fed Ex.
  16. That makes sense, as that is what you usually see on the street.
  17. Tonik

    F U UPS

    Ok, they just delivered it.
  18. Tonik

    F U UPS

    Yea, I will do that. Have the paged bookmarked. But I want it delivered on time. That is what I hired them to do. They have one job, deliver my fucking package. Casper must work there.
  19. Hit it with a magnet. But he will know too. The key to this next step is to get it straight before you weld it. Welding it crooked will suck.
  20. Tonik

    F U UPS

    Paid 60 bucks Monday to overnight my ECU to Ivan in NY who re-flashes them so my couch will do wheelies. Should have been there today. It is sitting in the UPS facility 7 miles from Ivan's shop and they just updated the schedule saying it won't be there tomorrow. Fuckers.
  21. Yea, a mechanical 'stop' on the flywheel alone would end up toasting the motor I would think. Breaking parts and so on.
  22. Had an idea. Most mowers have deadman switches now that cut the spark if you let go of the handle. If you have one of those check that, bypass it.
  23. Ok, same difference. But that was info we didnt have before.
  24. Stick a screwdriver in the plug wire, hold it close to the engine for a ground....just a little gap and pull the cord and watch for spark.
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