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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. With a direct link you don't need to use insert img from URL. Just paste it in the message box as you type. It will instantly display unless you f'd it up.
  2. The best bet is to paste a link to the photo. You need the full link, so it has jpg or png or something like that on the end. The three letters that say what kind of image it is so: On a PC you would right click the image and select 'Copy image address'. then just paste it in. ....https://fronterasblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/cadiz1.jpg.... Without the dots becomes:
  3. Tonik

    Masonary advise

    If I had the room, I would put the extension on one side, so it is all in one place...that makes it wider and more stable. And yea, rebar it.
  4. Tonik

    Masonary advise

    This is a question you need to ask the shed manufacturer.
  5. This is the first time I have been tempted to use my mod powers for evil.....changing your avitar to a nekkid Hillary in the throes of passion with another woman.
  6. Positive. My kid hacked her email server. I got pics. I'll release them as an October surprise.
  7. Oh she goes down a lot. Just on women.
  8. My sister is a long haul over the owner operator. She concurs with your statements. Whole different breed of truckers these days, they are asshats.
  9. Fucker. If you hadn't warned us I never would have thought to try.
  10. So you see a male butt? Interesting.
  11. Same people saying that said Donald would never last on the primary. And that he would not get the delegates. And that the Repubs would change the convention rules to lock him out.
  12. It's right there, do not deny God.
  13. Lock it, maybe. But I may pin it to the top so others can see the gayness before they start another 'Got a new bike thread'.
  14. Not 9/11. 9 1 1 The dude was laying there on his back for a long time looking up, and God said 'He must be an idiot, he just drove right into the side of that truck for no fucking reason. He needs a hint on what to do next.' Which is of course call 911.
  15. Are asshats not looking at the clouds at 950? Right hand side. That is the story here. 911!!!!
  16. Derek's post demonstrates why you dont lock threads.
  17. I think you need to pick one or the other, if you try and do both you will suck at both. But there are always exceptions to any rule.
  18. Fuck all that, look at the cloud at 9:50 in the clip. It is clearly spelling out 911. :tinfoilhat: And wtf did @Casper do with all our emoji?
  19. Yea, surprised on how long it is taking too. Especially since some are ok and some are not. That makes it very clear who f'd up.
  20. They will make it good, and you will be able to keep the tittie version.
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