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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    Fuel Economy

    It certainly bears out on my bike. I pick up 5-7 mph dropping from 80 to 70. Highway speeds kill bike mpg's, at least if it is a couch with the big fairing and lowers and donuts and coffee maker and stuff.
  2. I edited your original post, so it shows the date and time in the first line. That got it into the event description. When you pick a time I will edit it again.
  3. Haha, no not locking. That would be very bad moding, and disrespectful to the spirit of OR. Where we have a Casper given right to say stupid shit and make fools of ourselves. But it was a funny line.
  4. Get that cat whisperer dude to come over. The metro sexual hipster guy with the guitar case full of cat toys that is on Animal Planet or Discovery Channel. He will straighten out your behavior so the cat doesn't have to keep trying to get the point across.
  5. If they say it is going to ship, and they regularly don't ship when they say the are going to then they blow dead goats. They are lying asshats. I say lying because they do it regularly...that means it isn't a mistake and they know they are going to miss the promised shiptime. If I was a mod I would lock this thread at this point, it's over.
  6. That is scheduled for the epic ride, instead of donuts. So you get to think about it for awhile longer.
  7. Yep. He knew exactly what his plan was and what it would cost and what the permit issues were going to be. He has people for that.
  8. Ok, let me rephrase it. When will everyone be gone, so I can plan to be there shortly after that.
  9. I think you misunderstood my post.
  10. What time are you leaving, so I can plan to arrive shortly after that.
  11. Not if it fixed the problem. You paid 800, yours works. Chrome has paid to have his tires balanced and it is still broke.
  12. I'm a mod, in IT and my kid is one of the worlds most elite hackers. I know everything you do and tell him!!
  13. Gump's cat has a bitch, and her name is Gump.
  14. Tonik

    Member Map

    I said it would be cool, but I didn't say I would do it. For the record.
  15. Tonik

    Member Map

    This would be cool if we could tag our gps to it. Constant updates!!
  16. What's wrong with using a 190/60?
  17. Edit it again, its a 190/60
  18. If you don't want to change sizes then the Metzleler's would be the next best choice. Very good tire, they had a bad run a few years ago but it was quickly fixed.
  19. Where did you get those two Avon Cobra sizes? Neither show available from Avon's website. http://www.avonmoto.com/products/cruiser-touring-custom/cobra
  20. Tonik

    Member Map

    Something changed. Until 15 seconds ago if I clicked the 'My Location' drop down and hit 'update location' it give the screen shot Bad posted. But now it lets me. Something was broke and you apparently accidentally fixed it! Thanks Casper!!
  21. Tonik

    Member Map

    I get the same as Brian when I try and update my location.
  22. Tonik

    Member Map

    I can right click and delete you, or anyone else. That may be my mod powers. Go right click yourself and see if you can delete your self. Then check the same on mine and see if you can. Pls report back. tia I am so deleting Casper.
  23. Those are stock on most of the newer Kaw cruisers. Universally hated by everyone. Ride like poo and wear out really fast. I threw my rear right the hell away after only 4000 miles. My only regret is not doing a massive burnout before I swapped it.
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