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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. And you trailer queens better haul ass or all the beer will be gone.
  2. We are two hours from hotel, eating dinner. Tim found us early with my phone tracker. Minor off and on drizzle from Cleveland to Akron. Dry rest of way.
  3. Wow, even I got that one. The animal escape a few years ago...and the mass murder of the animals....
  4. Short version, we were training anti Assad fighters but Putin blew them all up. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/10/world/middleeast/pentagon-program-islamic-state-syria.html
  5. You guys got me, I have always wanted a bike that was less reliable than a Harley.
  6. To the best of my knowledge only Obama bombs hospitals.
  7. 'Bout time. Obama sucks at it, Bush sucked at it. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/10/09/us-mideast-crisis-syria-russia-insurgent-idUSKCN0S31LO20151009
  8. Dude, your wife is so tired of it breaking down she won't even pick you up anymore.
  9. Tonik


    Then your stuff is broke, pics are there other than a couple in the third post.
  10. Big thing is not to shit in a corner. My back breaks loose, dudes behind me wreck. It get real shitty real fast.
  11. Wait, now two Ducati fanboi's are ragging on HD reliability? Think I will just leave this Consumer Reports reliability rating right here. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/news/2015/04/who-makes-the-most-reliable-motorcycle/index.htm
  12. Actually, I have a donut hole seat on the bike. I just poop as I go. Pretty hilarious watching my rear tire sling the poo on the next rider in the group. I think I found it on ICanHasCheezBurger.
  13. Damn, and I was trying to get some hidden meaning out of the plate number. Forest/Trees.
  14. We have considered your request and decided to decline it at this time.
  15. I will admit, I don't get the license plate reference. Please explain to the old guy. TIA.
  16. Older sons, hunting trip....hookers of course.
  17. Yea, he used the Three Amigos thing on mine too. Last guy that said that gay ass shit to me got left on the side if I75 near Lexington with the other 'Amigo'.
  18. Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick. I texted all this to you yesterday.
  19. Tonik


    Clearly the answer here is to just buy an H2 which is already supercharged and ready to go.
  20. No, we are meeting him in Ripley for dinner. Then all of us are riding together to Beckley.
  21. Well what do you know, today is the day. Just got to get through the work day without killing anyone, which might be difficult today. The asshats are out in full force today. Odd, usually on Friday's they hide and don't come out until Monday. Bike is loaded and ready to go in the garage. Left it home since bringing a gun even locked in my vehicle to work is a trip to the PMITA Prison. Home is right on the way to the meet point so no big deal.
  22. F' off. You get zero credit for the work of the dome of hate.
  23. If you find yourself around Franklin 330 or 4 look us up at the Cafe Rel.
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