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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Does he even have any experts left that work for him? They all seem to have quit long before this. He has intentionally surrounded himself with yes men and women. He lives in an echo chamber.
  2. Not that easy. We are only testing people that show symptoms. South Korea is testing everyone they can....and they are finding that 30 percent of their cases are young people that have it...but are not showing any symptoms. Those are people that we will never test. Reminder, Trump was on TV day after day saying we had boatloads of kits and were testing all over the place for the first few weeks of this. It was all a lie, we had no kits. Those people at the first major outbreak in that retirement home in California sat there for a long time without tests. Cleveland didn't start testing until late last week. He lied, for quite some time about. I was going to vote for him again, just to piss of the liberals. Can't do that now.
  3. The US and South Korea found their first case of Corona on the same day. South Korea has tested 270k people for Corona, about 5200 per million. We have done 74 tests per million. It is very much under control on South Korea without a ton of closings and sheltering. Thanks Trump.
  4. Considering where she works can she get the CV test?
  5. Big three in Detroit just announced they are shutting down. The economic damage is going to be huge from all of this.
  6. There is no shortages of anything except TP and hand sanitizer. This is a logistics and stocking issue due to the high demand. It will pass soon as people get done stocking up.
  7. Due to the Chinese WuHan flu this event is cancelled.
  8. Tonik


    And Amazon is struggling. 1st gallon of oil, undeliverable. 2nd gallon of oil undeliverable. 5 quarts.....3 separate shipments.
  9. Tonik


    Early morning weekday is a good time to hit the stores. Pretty empty.
  10. Tonik


    Well, ride to eat just got harder. Gonna have to bit drive throughs.
  11. Covad Rules Everything Around Me.
  12. Might be time to see if you can get a plane from Rio to the US. Airlines are going to shut down and even if they don't we are almost certainly going to close our borders.
  13. A sammich delivery service would do well right now.
  14. Very happy for you. Ivan is a genius.
  15. Amazon needs boxes for all the stuff we are ordering now that we can't go out. Get your ass to work. TIA.
  16. Tonik


    Due to the current spread of the Chinese WuHan virus and per DeWines executive order on groups of 100 or more MORGA rides will be limited to 99 riders.
  17. We just went full work from home except our SOC. We have a plan for them but for now the idea is we vacate to help keep them safer.
  18. I actually thought it was in primer, this my crack. Now I feel bad.
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