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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Edited in by the guy that still has a pic of my one remaining nut in his phone.
  2. Tonik

    Vacation deals.

    You are correct, appreciate the assist.
  3. Tonik

    Vacation deals.

    This virus is not named correctly. It originated in Wuhan province. The proper name for it is The Wu Virus. And it is nothing tho fuck with.
  4. Tonik

    Vacation deals.

    I don't think statistically we need to be concerned about this vs motorcycling.
  5. Tonik

    Vacation deals.

    Did you give him a big hug and a kiss when he got back.
  6. What are you looking for, any particular direction? Red team, blue? Pentesting? Any background in it or training beyond you work history? Any history with SIEMs, like splunk or alien vault? Send me your resume. And dick pics.
  7. Tonik

    Vacation deals.

    It's their "cold" season. 🤣
  8. Tonik

    Vacation deals.

    Just wanted to point out that normally round trip to Beijing is 2500 bucks. Currently it is only 480 bucks. Not sure why, but this is a hell of a deal.
  9. There is video of the event! https://youtu.be/5MczSuRwNq8
  10. I am not sure we deserve this guy, we are not worthy. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/01/28/us/tennessee-man-marijuana-trnd/index.html?__twitter_impression=true
  11. @Casper is selling our conversations to XM. This happened OTW to work today.
  12. Tonik

    2020 Cleveland IMS

    Forgot to add this pic.
  13. Tonik

    2020 Cleveland IMS

    Your choice. Wired have wire options for whatever you plug them into. I believe John got the wire ones to plug into his Sena. That makes sense to me. Don't need another thing to charge.
  14. Tonik

    2020 Cleveland IMS

    He does not have his yet, he got the fancy ones with speakers so he has to wait. I am surprised, they are WAY more comfortable than foam ones. I always found foam ones to have pressure points and be somewhat annoying. Not terrible and I always wore them but they annoyed me a bit These are almost not even there. They feel snug but it is a uniform snugness and not excessive. They also don't go as far into your ear as foam. That said, I have not worn them for a full day yet. They are far more effective, I just tried both. Got out on my helmet and fired up ICE Cubes Check Ya Self and music volume is down a bit but not a lot. I was never running music at full volume so I am not worried about that, I have room to turn it up. If you are full blast now you may want to go the route that John did. Got mine for free cuz I got that ear plug law changed.
  15. Tonik

    2020 Cleveland IMS

    Borderline call. It's winter, the only bike fix you may get for two+ more months. However nothing new or earth shattering. Same stuff you have already seen.
  16. No seals to replace for an oil swap. You will have to remove them any way. You remove the top cap before you take out the forks...hang them upside down and have a beer then fill them properly. There is only an o ring to pay attention to. That said, now that I know the cost of your way...I would stick with your original plan.
  17. I had the brace and went with 15 weight oil in the stock front suspension on my Voyager. I was super happy and drove the hell out of it in Twisties. Might want to try that first if you are semi handy.
  18. Tonik

    2020 Cleveland IMS

    Same show as last year, having a good time. No Ducati. @ricer1 showed up to help me with the extra women I have with me.
  19. A grom would be totally fine on a 1400 mile 8 day trip.
  20. Holy shit. It went from committee to the floor the same day!! We passed the Senate with 100 percent yes votes this afternoon. We are otw to the governor now! We fucking did it.
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