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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    Saturday the 19th

    Yes, been great. I made it to 12K even with a month+ off due to issues with my nut.
  2. Love you man, but gonna have to beat your ass next time I see you.
  3. Beer and strudel meet your dietary standards?
  4. Finally, the motivation to get faster. So I too can leave you behind like an unwanted stepchild.
  5. The one being held by a good marksman?
  6. Tonik

    Saturday the 19th

    Out, grandkids are coming over for the day.
  7. It is the group leaders decision ultimately. He is the leader, you follow his rules or you drop from the group. You should ask at the beginning if you are unclear, although he should have also told you ahead of time. So, the group leader rules on every OR ride I have been on or heard about are as you describe. Everyone rides at their pace and we will see you at the next turn. But that is not the norm, most of the rest of the world does the conga line thing. We are special.
  8. Clean it well. Remove battery and bring inside on a tender. Full gas tank with stabilizer. Change oil now or first thing in spring. Which is debatable. Park it and cover it. Do not start it in the winter for the hell of it. You will just create condensation inside the engine.
  9. Is that a serious question or are you f'ing with us? We have always done it that way afaik.
  10. OR at its best. Now watch this. Since more weight is more grip what about using a heavier weight oil in my bike?
  11. Ask and you shall receive.
  12. This is in the pics and vids sub forum. You know I am bat shit insane. Should have been no surprises here.
  13. Neither of those is true, but even if it was...... . Diet While in North America bladder stones are rarely caused by poor diet.
  14. Bladder stone, they took it out yesterday.
  15. I just had a genius idea. As has been undeniably demonstrated, more weight not more contact patch increases grip. The answer here is to load our saddle bags with sand.
  16. Anything other than what the tire/bike manufacturer recommends. Might want to start a thread on that. We will figure it out as we are way smarter than they are.
  17. Ok, this is a real puzzle. We need to solve it. Put a shorter tire on and figure out a way to keep the bike upright. Chock the front perhaps. It would be helpful if you add your amount of weight to the seat if possible. Lay a 4x8 beside the bike and lift up the edge furthest from the bike until it hits a hard part. Then measure the distance from the edge of the 4x8 to the ground. Put a taller tire on and repeat. Then post results. TiA.
  18. Pic of my bladder and prostate. Bladder is on the left.
  19. Ok, pull the socket and check the wires going into the back.
  20. Let's swap the bulbs side to side to see if the problem follows the bulb, or stays with the socket.
  21. So you tell them a bike model that the tire is actually for. 🖕 IP
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