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Posts posted by OSUYZFR1

  1. Have you ridden one yet or following what everyone says on the internet? Yes, it gets hot, but so does about every sportbike I've ridden in an urban setting...

    We are addressing the complaints and have come up with some updated heat shields that should calm the masses, but at the end of the day, it is usually the guys that are riding in urban situations that complain the most. Guys that ride and use the bike in more ideal environments haven't had such crazy levels of issues...

    Again, not saying you are wrong, but asking where you rode one to come to the conclusion...

    I rode one and you're right it's in an urban setting where it was really hot. Sitting in traffic the exhaust was blowing on my leg. Just had to change where I placed my legs is all.

  2. Quick story... Instructor at a track day company. Has a decent amount of laps and is a decent rider. However, he has read a lot, listens to everyone and has a skewed idea towards suspension. Regurgitates info rather well, but doesn't understand tire wear, what causes it, what or why his bike does what it does. I've listened to him tell another new rider how to setup suspension and related ideas in regards to suspension. Is that a guy that should be doing that and providing such an impression to a new rider that probably will go out and try what he is taught?

    OK, now you got me wondering if this is somebody I've worked with. :confused:

  3. Why wouldn't they do well in wsbk, they have won more wsbk championships than any other manufacturer. Not sure on the exact numbers but wouldn't be surprised if they won more than all other manufacturers combined. I don't really think how they perform in motogp has any correlation to what they do in wsbk.

    I don't understand why anyone would think the Duc will do good in WSBK. The carbon framed bike was shit and Stoner + Rossi proved it. Aluminum frame was not improvement. 1 + 1 + 1 = 0. So, I have no hope of the Duc being any better in WSBK.

    But, maybe they have different tires or did something else. I feel sorry for Checa. They screwed him last year with the extra weight and now a bad bike.

    I wish they would just stuff the engine into the old 1198R trellis be get back to being a Ducati.

    What am I missing that gives anyone hope?

  4. I've read all the posts and have to agree with swingset. Blaming Walmart for running other companies out of business is crazy. Obviously what they offer to the employee is better than what they can get elsewhere or why would they stick around? As a consumer, I shop at Walmart because they offer the same products I can get at meijer, target, etc at a cheaper price. If you want to run a business you have to be able to compete, and that means adapting, if you can. Otherwise you go out of business. What I don't like are the videos of people crying about how bad Walmart is. The consumer decides who stays around and who doesn't. They chose Walmart.

  5. OSUYR1 on here is one of my favorite guys to work with. He is very positive to work with. He and his buddy are smooth, passionate about the sport and I have seen improvement. But, no matter good or bad or whether they advance or get stuck, they are always smiling and willing to listen and learn. He is a great example of results from working at this. I watch him and listen to his throttle management and feel that at the end of this season, he quite possibly has improved more than I remember. That's what my goal is. I wanna help everyone.

    Thanks man. Brad and I both really appreciate you working with us. Hoping to run 36's next yr so I'll be looking you up at the track. :)

    Ryan, I know the thing I had to work on at first was being able to run hard the entire track. I would watch my videos and listen to the throttle be like 'WTF are you doing there'. I still think I'm leaving some time on the table from this but not like it was. Some of it was cardio related and I was just getting tired and being lazy. The rest of it was just not realizing I was even doing it. When you are on track you think you are flying. I needed to see the video to realize I really wasn't pushing that hard.

  6. I'll chime in as a track day rider. I really think it depends on the rider. I've had a coach pass me extremely close before but I didnt get spooked by it. I know when I pass I try to make them as safe as possible. I used to only pass coming out of a corner to prevent pissing someone off. With more experience now, I've gotten more aggressive and I'm able to judge closing speed better and where I may have held off going around a rider before I will stay in it and get around them clean. I'm mainly talking about the back straight at MO. When I come up on an erratic rider I still just wait and set them up on corner exit instead of passing coming into the corner. Sucks for lap times but I want to keep my leathers looking new. :)

  7. But the iPad mini?! Where's the appeal? To big for your pocket, to small to watch movies on.

    /end rant

    They are coming out with the mini to take sales away from the kindle. The kindle has been the only notebook besides the ipad to have any sales volume worth mentioning. I think this one is going to be marketed towards the ebook crowd with access to the apple's ecosystem. They will sell millions. :)

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