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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. I bid on one once, somebody else won the auction. Sigh, sadness, oh well move on. Couple of days later I got an email saying the winning bid couldn’t come up with the cash, did I want the bike? Sure! I said. Something just wasn’t right so I emailed the seller and he told me the bike was indeed sold. Ah scammers… He was convincing though, I could see how people would fall for it. Be careful
  2. I loves the interwebz, the entertainment is always free!
  3. Before you get all excited, take a breath and think a bit. I'm going along with everybody else here. Get some hard facts and get it on paper. Wonder why the guy waited on somebody to walk in? Karma? Too busy? Already has an estimate from a company that he think wants too much money? Consider what he is really asking for. Project management, Network design, Cabling, Purchasing manager, Inventory control, On site support, TCP/IP/Voip design and implementation Telcomm contracts not to even get as far as the other branches which would involve fail over designs as well. I'm also going with the LLC idea so you don't get sued into the stone age if it blows up on you. Remember the people who want this have no clue what it takes to actually do it. You have no clue what they are really thinking of either. Not that they will change their minds about what it is they think they want a couple of hundred times. Clearly you can't do it all by yourself nor should you try to. Pretty big job covering just the first few steps. I haven't even mentioned software yet...
  4. California For a sec I thought this was from the SUN or the Daily Mail UK.
  5. There’s an old story of a saint walking down the road, a peaceful smile on his face. A farmer sees him: “Where are you going dear saint?” he says. “I’m going to start a religious movement,” replies the saint, and carries on his way. Then the farmer sees the Devil walking some distance behind the saint but obviously following him. “But you,” says the farmer, “where are you going, and why are you following him?” “Me?” replies the Devil with a cunning grin, “Why, isn’t it obvious? He’s going to start a religious movement – and I’m going to help him organize it!” Spirituality - the belief in a higher power. Religion - organized philosophical dogma that displaces spirituality.
  6. Congrats on the day. After the ceremony take her for a ride - its going to be almost 70 today. Oh, give the bike a ride too.
  7. Not true. Install PLEX from the roku channel store and then install the server on your PC. Access to all your hard drive goodness.
  8. UM, Obama and his fund raising tours of Ohio? Always brings out the overtime for the LEO's.
  9. This is going to get out of hand.
  10. http://pricewatch.com Pick your parts, piece by piece or barebones system, whatever you want.
  11. I'm sure they make them in larger capacities. This was a very fast google search just to get the idea. I've used filters like this before and they worked pretty well. Better than the capacitor across the wires kind which don't work so well.
  12. Alternator whine - common problem. Common answer - something like this; Available from a lot of places. This exact model can be found here http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_44157_Boss-B15N.html Under $10 It filters out the whine before it gets into the amp.
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