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Everything posted by RFM

  1. This one, you'd have to understand my parents a bit. Very British, upright, and proper.... When my friends would call around, they'd think a Butler answered. We also sat at meals together, knife in the right hand- fork in the left hand, and Never let an elbow touch the table. And on a typical night like this, my little brother decided it would be a good idea to fart at the table during dinner. My dad didn't need but a moment to reach accross the table and crack his knuckles with a fork, to which my 9 year old brother (I was 10 at the time) started bawling. "There will be no Popping at the dinner table!!" he said with a raised voice for extra affect... That was the polite way of saying don't fart at the table. I felt a bit ornery, and a bit gassy too. In a meek and childish voice I asked "Not one??", and immediately after whistled a high pitched two second fart. My mom broke into hysterics laughing, my dad laughed a bit too. And my brother cried even more, because I had just successfully farted at the dinner table, and got the response he wanted. I win.
  2. Perspective.... Still 20 points higher than W.....
  3. I got this from another forum, but it looked fun. I'm sure we have some devious people here.... What's some of the bad stuff we did as kids? I've got more, of course.... I played LaCrosse in Jr. and High School, and a friend was interested in trying a stick and playing catch. Lived by the river, it was a nice sunny day during summer break- so it made perfect sense to have a go at it in the park. Bill asks how accurate I was with the stick, and I thought I'd show him. Duck, 30 yards away.... THUD!!! I thought I'd be close, but I nailed him. It's a hard ball, I threw it fast, and it was the hollowest thud I've ever heard... We didn't eat Duck that evening, but that duck ate my ball. RIP
  4. RFM

    new helmet

    I used to ride with a X-Lite Carlos Checa Bull, from the days he rode MotoGP on the Ducati- and his nickname was Careless Chucker. Times have changed a bit, and he's got his niche. Loved the X-Lite, and still use it as my wet weather gear. That Pinlock system that it came with works well.
  5. I've only managed two strokes so far, but I'll work my way up to four strokes. If my girlfriend will let me, that is.
  6. You have saved yourself a despondent period with no female affections. The ladies... They could care less about a Yamaha....
  7. Here's my idea. No matter how good an idea it seems at the time, don't eat the carrot afterwards. Let the strippers keep it.
  8. A-Team it. Black with the stripe, and put a fin on it. If that isn't subtle enough for you, a nice understated General Lee motif might work.
  9. My bike runs 118hp. And it turns!!!
  10. Totally disappointed here. 3 pages of posts, and this hasn't devolved into an interwebz ghey fest yet, with hopes of spooning and rough man-love. Way too flowery and romantic like.... Fail.
  11. Did the same thing on my RSVR when the oil filter cover came off with a sheared bolt. Red light comes on, and it's too late then. Clutch. It helps.
  12. Before a sheep looks like... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1369977/Sheep-gives-birth-dog-Chinese-farm-Ewe-got-kidding.html
  13. I can help you here, if you're SOL.
  14. That's got to be good for a couple extra HP. Put the word Screaming Eagle somewhere on it, and that would make it even badder.
  15. Picked up some Teknic jeans clearanced at the Pony. I'll wear them for small rides about, and the leathers when I'm going to play a bit more...
  16. Intrest is there for the 9th if it happens. 2 would be the #.
  17. Maybe pigs shouldn't carry, but every chicken should!
  18. Wow.... From an apology, to a throw down man challenge, to multiple butt to nuts spooning. All win...
  19. Maybe we met at a Bike Night? Hi.
  20. Can't they cut her open and count the rings? Guinness certainly can't say fuckall to that?
  21. You can check the charging system with the voltmeter too. With the contacts still at the battery, give the bike some gas. The voltage should go up.
  22. I want to try this, but I'd hate to give up singing "The Brady Bunch"!
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