This one, you'd have to understand my parents a bit. Very British, upright, and proper.... When my friends would call around, they'd think a Butler answered. We also sat at meals together, knife in the right hand- fork in the left hand, and Never let an elbow touch the table. And on a typical night like this, my little brother decided it would be a good idea to fart at the table during dinner. My dad didn't need but a moment to reach accross the table and crack his knuckles with a fork, to which my 9 year old brother (I was 10 at the time) started bawling. "There will be no Popping at the dinner table!!" he said with a raised voice for extra affect... That was the polite way of saying don't fart at the table. I felt a bit ornery, and a bit gassy too. In a meek and childish voice I asked "Not one??", and immediately after whistled a high pitched two second fart. My mom broke into hysterics laughing, my dad laughed a bit too. And my brother cried even more, because I had just successfully farted at the dinner table, and got the response he wanted. I win.