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Everything posted by RFM

  1. The US is not a growth market for Harley Davidson. Everybody who has three teeth and can sign their name to a 104month payment plan already has. The Indian economy is all growth though, from the jobs we have sent that way, to a high tech emerging economy. Setting up a factory there is one of the wisest things HD has done in a while. Seriously, they're still busting out Royal Enfields with little advancement to the 1950's era design. Harley will fit in well.
  2. I know this isn't a bicycling forum, but several of you ride bicycles. Plus, it's dangerous out there on two wheels, when facing idiots in cars, road rage, and of course- nail polish touch ups. Brotherhood, just of a different stripe. And haters are just pissed because they can't make spandex look good... The first call that this douche made after coming to a stop after hitting somebody was to the Mercedes helpline to report damage. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1327323/Morgan-Stanley-financial-adviser-escapes-felony-charges-hit-run-jeopardise-job.html
  3. **Correction** Self appointed world police.
  4. His instrumental at the end of the Crash Test Dummies Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm FUCK Oi was the tops!
  5. Um... The manufacturer with the most 250GP titles and current WSBK championship winner....
  6. Perhaps these lasers might work, as demonstrated on these kittens. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsqfutlAzJs
  7. Had to crank this at work. Oi! Fucker!
  8. If those idiots don't care about their own future, I say they got the government they deserved. Solely beholden to the dollar and not the electorate. Bleak future is my call, but I'm a liberal, so what do I know.
  9. Of course you will find saddlebags at Walmart! Some big ass gunts too, last time I was there.
  10. I grow a beard in a week. I hate it, but I will rule this Movember. 3 days of growth so far and the gf is complaining. Yeah, that hardcore...
  11. RFM

    Oh look, paint.

    From the album: Yard Sale!

  12. They'd all be reary reary small...
  13. Sometimes when I fart in my leathers I have to move about in the seat- lift my butt up, stick a leg out.. it's all the same.
  14. Girls would finally look at me if I just got that bike...
  15. RFM

    Christmas Party

  16. Sorry for her loss, and thoughts are with you all..
  17. I never laugh at ugly people, unless it's plastic surgerificated. Then they deserve a good hardy belly laugh.....
  18. Bad understeer, plus a back end that breaks away with a bit of gas.... Sign me up for one!
  19. You're missing the best part of the party- You know, where you try and stick a remote up your ass! Happy Birthday!
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