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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Just a thought.... the Daily Ride is getting a little morbid... do we need a section for bad news or something... maybe I'm the only one who wants to be blissfully ignorant. One idea might be to have a subforum just for RIP wishes... maybe I'm the only one...
  2. I bought it... the dude said to meet him at the gas station on E55th, cash only and for some reason he said he'll help me load it so I don't need to worry about bringing a friend... What a nice guys, going to the bank now
  3. I love fiveguys! Last hangover I had was resolved by excessive coffee and a disgusting breakfast at Bob Evan's. I had somewhere in the vacinity of 20 drinks over the course of 8 hours.. never again
  4. LOL.... you should have taken it... let the guy learn a lesson
  5. I try not to post CL links but this one has me amused. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1232779670.html Only slightly suspicious, not to mention he says "$1000"... "$800 ferm (sic)"... "I have an Ohio title (motorcycle came from Tennessee and was changed to Ohio title, “BUT” it has been notarized in to some one elces name, The guy is here in Ohio I know were but if you want title transferred out of his name you will have to talk to him.So please note: I do have title but theres a problem, keep in mind it can be taken car of with a power of attorney"
  6. There's no right or wrong, the guy wrote you a check for 5k, unless he said "here, this will cover the repairs, just give me the difference" then you have no obligation. Track it, buy a new bike for the streets, and take your time working on the track bike.
  7. Like a fat kid trying to ride a leaf blower.... had the skinny knobby tires, I took it 30 through 3ft offset cones... thing handles great but man.... I'm glad I never bought a 250... It also stops on a dime... seriously, made the entire course ridiculously easy with that size/style bike I'll be interested to hear what swing'r and his wife thought of them from a handling perspective.
  8. damn that's hella messed up...mailboxes! coming out of nowhere! messing with bikers! They're a menace and should be outlawed.
  9. good job, mine was last weekend... I rode a TW 200... opposite feeling though... never want to ride one on road again. I did, however, want to take it over the curb too!
  10. saying the motorcycle failed to negotiate a turn is like saying pencil's cause misspellings.... Anyway, RIP
  11. Depends on the phone, if you don't have a real GPS (not an emergency locater) it will use the towers.
  12. They added it semi-recently. Should be in the right menu, will just say "Latitude"
  13. additionally, want to ride alone? Just don't open GMaps
  14. So I've used it before but not a lot of my friends in the are were using it. Google maps for mobile phone + Latitude. Google maps is a decent gps for your phone and Latitude lets you set up a friend's list and on share your GPS location. Depending what you guys think... just turn on GMaps, click on latitude and ride... any friends could just open it and meet you somewhere. Thoughts? Not feasible?
  15. I was thinking 1 pm... father's day stuff, gotta head out about 2...
  16. He pushed it to next week since most people were busy yesterday.
  17. happy father's day to all the fathers... and the ones with the children they don't know about too
  18. how much is it on KBB for? Call State8 and see what they might offer.
  19. just give me your damaged bike for free
  20. meh @ honest, he gave you "hush" money basically.... "man I'm really sorry, here's a bunch of money so you can do whatever you want and not be mad at me" If you like your bike fix it + mods.... if you want a new bike, salvage out your bike and buy a new ride for salvage + 5k and you got a new bike. Or, buy me some parts... I'd really appreciate that
  21. I thought this thread was going to go in a different direction...
  22. actually, that dude isn't too far off.... only thing to think about is what the POSSIBLE insurance increase is.... and how much the repairs are. If the repairs are 1k.... don't claim it... pocket 4k and/or buy another bike.....
  23. So, I was going to hit up the carnival tomorrow before going over to my parents, anyone want to get some lunch? I don't wanna go by myself, I feel like a dufus.... well I am, but still
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