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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. not talking about you in-breds from Ashtabula...
  2. Airhawk seat pad? http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=62822 How's the passenger seat area on the Buell? Depending upon the built-in cushioning of your girlfriend's, umm, posterior, she may be OK for a couple of hundred... Maybe try an hour or so, see how she does? If she's uncomfortable, you can always blame her not-fat @ss - and score points with her at the same time... and maybe get the OK to get a bike with a better passenger area.
  3. That's a good boss, taking one for his employee. glad you're happy, and you're welcome to stick around an shoot the sh1t with us if you'd like. we're congenial, for the most part...
  4. the term "Prez" should be banned also, to be replaced by "Lord Most Merciful Brandon." while i'm at it, i'm banning psychopaths, especially ones that want to go on a shooting spree.
  5. either ban all guns <or> (attempted) murder should be against the law.
  6. Why Mr. Magley, I do declare... There are no biting dogs in your neck of the woods though, right? Lassie, Snoopy, Ruff, Eddie, Freeway, Buck, Tiger, Flash... +rep
  7. $1500 listed here is the same as the CL price. no break for ORdN = Please to up price on CL to $2,000. kthxbai. /free bump
  8. Johnny's easy-to-understand guide to the law: * Concealed carry of deadly weapons in Ohio is illegal (prohibition cited at ORC 2923.12(A)(1), upheld by Klein. * As defined by Ohio Law (ORC 2923.11(A), a "deadly weapon" is defined as "...any instrument, device, or thing capable of inflicting death". A half-inch blade on a pen knife can inflict death. * Your Concealed Handgun License is an exemption to the 2923.12(A)(1) statute cited above, but it applies only to handguns - not shotguns, rifles, knives, or any other lethal object. * There are 3 affirmative defenses (at 2923.12 ©(1)(a) available to you if you've been arrested, charged, and prosecuted with carrying a concealed weapon, to wit: *** the weapon is carried for defensive purposes at work or going to/from work, and the work is such that a prudent person would go so armed *** the weapon is carried for defensive purposes while engaged in a lawful activity and the carrier has reasonable cause to fear criminal attack upon him/herself or a family member such as would justify a prudent person going armed *** the weapon is carried inside of your house * the 3 defenses above are what existed prior to Ohio's handgun licensing, and were largely unsatisfactory and essentially worthless.
  9. According to their website: "...reknown multi-use utility edged tool..." (sic) it's a tool. No problemo. ianal.
  10. if anyone likes old cars in general, Mopars in particular, and/or drag racing, the Mopar Nats out at National Trail are just the ticket. Weather's supposed to be about perfect tomorrow, Jr. and I will be out there, 5th or 6th year running - always a good time.
  11. I believe that Mr. Magley really doesn't think anything untoward will happen to him. He leaves his keys in vehicles, doesn't lock doors, etc. He should realize that bad stuff happens to "good" people, and it happens in "good", safe places. It happens at work, and I assume he wanders into work 5 days a week. Someone got murdered in New Albany last week, and that's certainly a "good, safe" area, and the person was a 9 months pregnant woman, one could assume she was a "good" person. I'm not saying he should arm himself, not at all. I am saying that he should take <some> precautions, be aware of his surroundings, especially if he ventures out of the relative safety of home. I mentioned the Clutters because they lived in a rural setting where no crime (to speak of, certainly not homicide) ever occurred, much like Mr. Magley's setting. I also mentioned them because meth/drug use is growing by leaps and bounds in smaller cities and rural areas, and it's something that he should be aware of. Drug users/dealers sometimes get desperate for money, and will do whatever it takes to complete their quest. My best guess? Mr. Magley will probably never be a victim of crime, so he's likely safe in his Eden-like Utopia. Me too, probably, but I live in the suburbs and have an 11 year old to protect - that's my job. I choose to use some tools to assist me in that mission. Perhaps if Mr. Magley finds a girl, they get married, and they have children, his views on being able to protect those that he's charged with protecting will change. Maybe not. I was on high alert last Friday evening/Saturday morning at 0230 - two juveniles were in my neighbor's garage (they forgot to close it). I confronted them with a 500 lumen Surefire and a weapon holstered but plainly visible and held them until the police arrived and took them away. Had it been my garage that was left open, they may have tried to open the door into the house, and my dog may have kept snoring loudly instead of alerting me to their presence, and... I live in a "nice" neighborhood, sh1t happens anywhere. When I lived on 5 fully-treed acres in a semi-rural area my mansion was broken into during the day. The alarm scared them off. Had I not had the alarm, they could have cleaned out the entire house. Sure, it's only "stuff", but lots of irreplaceable "stuff", a lot of hassle with insurance (and higher rates for a claim, assuming my policy would even be renewed), and a loss of my Eden-like Utopian feeling of safety.
  12. I would guess that the Clutter family felt that same peace in Garden City, Kansas on 15 November, 1959.
  13. In. ORdN gastronomic feats of gluttony sometime this winter. I'll schedule something.
  14. I found this site way back when by Googling Hinds... I think that was when BBB's mouse nest drama was going on. Anyhow, I bought from IM back when they were still in Delaware, when Justin was still the sales manager, and could not have had a more smooth, painless transaction. Since then they've moved and Justin has left. Does that make any difference? Dunno, as I've now seen two "unhappy with IM" threads and no happy ones. @YSR - I either commented in or started a "I got great service" thread for Honda Northwest/Ohio Motorcycle a couple of weeks ago, so <some> of us will report good experiences. @the OP: My guess, and this is only a guess based upon my one experience (positive) with them, is that the sales guy you talked with and had things moving failed to talk to whomever coordinates the eBay listings, and the bike got sold completely by accident. I could be 100% wrong, but I'd like to think I'm not. Doesn't Christine (forget her screen name), the lady that racks up miles, work there?
  15. i'd assume he's talking about the one on Polaris @ 71...
  16. length of knife has nothing to do with anything in Ohio, legal-wise.
  17. jblosser

    karen cockburn

    From the album: misc, part 2

  18. the way i understand it: if your knife is a "weapon", it's illegal. if your knife is a "tool", it's legal. cut some packing tape with it, leave residue on blade, presto!, it's a "tool" ("...see? i use it to open boxes and stuff, look-eee at the tape residue..." )
  19. NO! IT'S A GSX650-F... ...actually, it is, sorta, and a cross with the Bandit. Hybrid, i guess.
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