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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. I guess if you can't afford Indian Hill...
  2. jblosser

    Mj usa

    guess you missed the part where a neutral party (Luke/Buildit) stuck up/vouched for you a couple of posts later... i'll admit, until Luke/Buildit's post I had ideas that you might have been MJ - especially since you didn't ask MJ about what happened. I also have a buddy that owns a small shop here in Columbus and he relies upon (good) word-of-mouth advertising. I've known him about 35 or 36 years, and I can promise you that if people were accusing him of bad things I'd find out straight from him what the heck was going on. Just like you (sort of) stick up for your buddy, we'll stick up for ours and help when he's been wronged.
  3. blah blah blah "Awesome job Hoblick" blah blah blah "You're the most awesomest evarrr Ryan" Bullshit. Where dafuq are the ORdN stickers? Look-a veddy nice. Like the flat black.
  4. It's the Bolt Electric Bike: Manufacturer's (Springtime) Website Link 1 (article at Freshness (?!) Magazine, pics) Link 2 (Google image search results)
  5. ...unlike the po-po, this here "gun totin' member" has yet to shoot an innocent person... (with all due respect to the 99% of LEO's who are good, honest, and hard-working). edit***: just so there's no misunderstanding, my comment was directed at Mr. Magley and his implication that armed citizens are (or will be) shooting up the populace, not at the wonderful men and women of law enforcement).
  6. one of those liberal democrats that hates Jews, ehhh?
  7. if you watch close enough/get lucky, they have 100 round boxes of Federal .45 ACP for $25.99. All the ones in Central Ohio are out right now... :D
  8. "...would force ammunition dealers to report large sales of bullets..." so, this is targeting reloaders? hope that Cabela's on Polaris opens up soon, easy enough to walk in and buy 1,000 rounds bulk... stupid gub-ment.
  9. Where is that confounded bridge? Wonder where the Chili Peppers got their sound from? Take a listen... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rzX9sZrtlw
  10. jblosser


    I could give 2 shits about most of these sports, but the personal stories they're showing of some of these athletes are pretty cool: Missy Franklin, 17 year old swimmer from Aurora CO - what a neat girl. Stays in CO instead of going to Cali or somewhere to get "better" coaching because "my coach for 10 years is here, all my friends and family are here, and if I went somewhere else I wouldn't be happy". The two volleyball players, Misty May Treanor and Kerri Walsh - just watching them work together is like 2 people working as one, and in an interview with John McEnroe ?! they just seemed nice and "genuine", for lack of a better word.
  11. that is bad-@ss, a la George Barris (Batmobile) or Dean Jeffries (Monkeemobile)
  12. your niece is OK in my book.
  13. ouch. i'll count on my sense of rhythm.
  14. dry? they gots naked chicks, knocked-up virgins, water turning into wine, and David Copperfield~esque vanishing tricks in the main part, then lsd-like visions in Revelations. not that i've tried, but i'd imagine it's tough to fap to.
  15. who the hell would finish in their Bible? freak.
  16. ok, lotsa floppy ta-ta's to be seen, along with Captain Jack look-alikes (with a couple a'hundred extra lbs). edit*** and mini oil spills under bikes.
  17. keeping one's legs shut or finishing on her back/face is cheaper than birth control... (yes, I realize that pregnant-making stuff leaks out before "the big finish", but you get my point... )
  18. the one thing I'm pretty sure the Pope's against is birth control and abortion. I would posit that the Pope (note the capital "P") is much more liberal when it comes to "people" issues than most conservatives are; for instance Catholics are generally more inclined to support assisting the needy (read: they're more likely to be OK with state-sponsored welfare) than are your run-of-the-mill conservatives. Cliff's: Catholics (generally) are fiscally conservative, socially liberal, except for abortion and birth control. Yes, you'll find Catholics that are OK with birth control, but those are what the Church's leaders would call "Cafeteria Catholics". But I digress... Birth control itself (the pill, love gloves, et al) are not really conservative issues - at least I haven't heard it discussed in conservative circles. Where conservatives have issues is with abortion, and with forcing those that are against birth control (Roman Catholic employers as one example) to pay for birth control. By the way, since when did birth control become a right, an entitlement, that people should be able to get "for free"? What's next? "I'd sure like a drink, but can't afford/don't want to spend money, so the gub-ment needs to buy it for me" ?
  19. those thoughts are pretty much in line with "conservative values", as in don't use abortion as a means of birth control, and take care of children you bring into the world. sorry Mr. Magley, try again.
  20. Can I opt out of the school portion of the property tax? It <was> declared unconstitutional what, 10 years ago? *** edit: Sorry, it was 15 years ago. I wanna rebate. Did the math, in those 15 years I've paid about $118,000 toward schools via property tax. Just wondering: If I were to shoot and kill a pregnant woman, I would be charged with two murders, but if I put on my doctor hat and yank that same fetus out of her, I'm in the clear. What's the difference? The fetus is dead either way. How come it's OK sometimes and murder other times?
  21. He's not conservative, more like a Trollderpocratative.
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