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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. I would hope any gun owner, and especially a CHL knows this but it probably bears repeating: In Ohio, you are not justified in using deadly force if you: - initiate the confrontation, - escalate the confrontation, - or prolong the confrontation.
  2. Pretty sure Hanson wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole. Goes against everything he teaches in class...
  3. Former Buckeye lineman Jim Stillwagon was the motorcyclist?! Wow...
  4. crucial m4 256GB here, $185 from Amazon. press power button, including 5 second GRUB timeout it's 8.5 seconds until login screen appears. assuming it lasts, I'm very happy. /8GB rams, AMD quad core @ 1.5GHz laptop.
  5. a little research shows that the Maxx building is owned by the same person (Frank Ferri) that owns Integrity Cylcles, so probably not Max Hinds - name's just a coincidence, I s'spose.
  6. googling "Hinds Motorsports" is how I came to know of this site...
  7. clue #1: "over $30,000 invested" and "only" $5,999 ? clues 2-7 listed in post #1. Place used to be the infamous Hinds Motorsports. Jeff Hinds' kid's name is Max. Any chance the kid is a chip off the ol' block and is running a shady shop?
  8. I got him for ya. I kinda like the idea of pseudo-threatening nosy (nosey?) broads at the Wal-Mart...
  9. ^^^ maybe he just hasn't tried to use Craigslist to sell something?
  10. 1 - your phone battery is almost dead 2 - you Ted's kid? 3 - it's Craigslist, par for the course 4 - had something else, but forgot 5 - remembered - glws, bring handgun to any meeting. 6 - no test rides w/o cash in hand 7 - take a friend (not wife, a man friend, unless your wife's a big burly guy, with all due respect) to any meeting
  11. the one where the aging hippies are selling "Ohio Corn" in May? Agree with the nod to OMC - good stuff. As to the OP (bacon shortage) - I guess Obama will blame this on Bush, too?
  12. Drove from Westerville to the Mittal plant in Cleveland and back yesterday, saw all of three marked cars the entire 270 miles...
  13. Always good to hear about craftsmen who give a damn and do good work - Paul, Pauly, Ryan, Reuben, et al.
  14. Bike is cursed, give to me...
  15. add a couple of pics, should help to sell.
  16. Stoneburner wasn't part of Tattoo-gate - he only was arressted for pissin' in public during the Memorial golf tournament this summer... <sigh>
  17. jblosser

    iPhone 5

    "Gentleman's club" locator apps: "Strip Clubs" app "Strip Me" app Should be able to filter for "pasta" in one or more of these: Top 9 Restaurant Locator Apps None are Johnny-tested nor approved, since I has one of dem evil Android devices.
  18. jblosser

    iPhone 5

    nooooo, it's an iPhone. From Apple. You'll understand soon enough. no, really, it's just a phone. "i want the one with more GB's"...
  19. jblosser

    iPhone 5

    4G = not too bad... not as good as work, though.
  20. down to $2.78 at Marathon, Starfire. Sheetz-stein up to $3.08. cheapest in C-Bus $3.65
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