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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Been on it on my tablet for a month, month and a half. Seems to be not much difference, for the most part.
  2. Officer: "why do you have that?" Gump: "my elbows aren't what they used to be" Gump gets tazed and beaten with nightstick.
  3. idiot. everyone knows Adam and Eve rode a donkey to Bethlehem and had baby Jesus. Geez. (pun intended) I think we've found ped's area of knowledge - batteries, that is - not Bible history. Thanks for the info!
  4. ^ g.d. peanut butter rule. +imaginary rep
  5. probably not without the help of law enforcement, unless the sender is sending from their 'regular' account, e.g. "jane.doe@hotmail.com". easy enough to find from what mail server it's coming, but identifying it past that will require the help of an admin for that server, and they aren't gonna tell you anything without a subpoena. if it happens to be coming from one of mine, I'd tell you, but other than that, sorry. could attempt to engage the sender in conversation in hopes of drawing out some identifiable info, but likely better to ignore them completely and wait for them to get tired of the lack of response and quit.
  6. What a p.o.s., even for a Ford... Good choice passing on it.
  7. Glad to see both biological and non-biological advocates for this child - he obviously has a lot of good people in his corner... Seems to me to fall under the purview of Title III of the A.D.A.
  8. .380 acp > 0 acp or elbow
  9. If Iron Pony were to open "Gun Pony" I'd be broke...
  10. We (allegedly, I didn't pay much attention that day in History class) stole all of the Southwest from Mexico, maybe we could just give it back...
  11. Husband and wife decide to go to a nightclub for a couple of drinks. On the dance floor is this guy who's moon walking, break dancing, just burning up the floor with his moves. "See that guy?" asks the wife. "Twenty five years ago he asked me to marry him, and I turned him down". "Looks to me like he's still celebrating" says the husband.
  12. Lulz @ 'flying carpet drifting'.
  13. It wouldn't be so bad if my hand didn't fall asleep...
  14. thanks for the feedback so far, guys! gotta find a bass player in town to test basses. Keys, trumpets I could test...
  15. could a mod correct the speling in my title, por favor? /derp
  16. Anyone teach (or know of a person that accepts) beginners in the Central Ohio area? I can read music, but have never played a string instrument, and would like to learn. Would also appreciate input on a beginner's package; bass, amp, ...? Not looking to spend much until I figure out if A) I like it and B) I can play it. Not afraid to spend money if/once I find out I have ability and affinity. Thanks in advance!
  17. "here we go around, round, round..." Again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji_nx4_RywI
  18. really, does any loser buy those pills? do they actually think this pill will turn their Vienna Sausage into a hot dog, or maybe a bratwurst, and if they eat enough of 'em, a fuckin' kielbasa? how about instead of 'penis enlargement' pills, you offer up some 'vagina shrinking' pills instead?
  19. Keep watch out the window on trash night - but I'm guessing you may have already planned that. *edit: ps, thieves suck.
  20. i'm sorry to have offended you. i've edited my post - if you edit yours, you won't have to see it.
  21. @speedy - we're talking carrying concealed weapons on your person. I'd imagine transporting a knife, even a big, ugly, menacing one, in a bag, is fine.
  22. dammitall. r.i.p. to the officer and the civilian.
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