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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. I need a couple of minutes to study this photo. be right back, and please knock first... kthxbai.
  2. Hey Mr. Magley - Have you ever shot a gun? If you're at all interested in trying one sometime (I shoot for fun, I know, it's weird - let's not get into "i'm only practicing so's I can kill someone moar better dead), I would like to extend an invitation to you: if you're ever in Central Ohio and have the urge, lemme know and we can go shooting. You <might> like the experience, and you <might> see that punching holes in targets is a relaxing, some might even say "fun" time. The offer's out there, no pressure, and no worries at all if you don't wanna.
  3. how do they practice with no guns in the U.K.? they must be <really> good... 'grats to our funny-sounding friends.
  4. "...fra-gee-lay. It must be Italian. It's a major award!..." Very nice pick up!
  5. buncha rightwingnut gun fags in here. btw, picked up a 10/22 Takedown last Friday - thanks Todd for alerting me to its arrival, and Dale, as always, for a flawless transaction and an awesome price on a hard-to-find rifle...
  6. it was worth the $4 - it's even better on Netflix Instant. look away for the first 90 or so seconds...
  7. kinda like the girl that went fishing with 7 guys - she came back with a red snapper...
  8. just wondering, since he evidently is OK with leaving money on the table.
  9. Charlie, purebred Appalachian Porchhound, rescued out of Bullitt County, Ky.: Marcie and Maddie. Rescued Marcie from a friend of a friend who was taking her to the pound. Maddie adopted me by coming to the sliding door on the deck every morning...:
  10. if you owned a house and paid interest and property tax, would you take those deductions against your income tax? do you actually report all intarwebz purchases made, and then pay your unpaid sales tax? why would you not take a deduction to which you are legally entitled?
  11. nvm - head is going to explode from derp overload.
  12. only part of living in Galena i didn't like: don't forget to pay your Big Walnut School District income Tax...
  13. perhaps it's the fact that anyone's shitting on the victims that has Kawi upset. not surprised, unfortunately, but upset.
  14. jblosser

    .45 acp

    Looks like a Kimber Custom II. I haz one too.
  15. He (allegedly) heard it a month ago. IF he considered it true, why wait until now to tell us? And, how do you go from "He didn't pay taxes for 10 years" to "I'm not certain" (if it's true) to "...you do pretty well if you don't pay taxes for 10 years..." ? He certainly seems to be stating it as fact. Who is this "person who...invested with Bain Capital" that called his office? Hell, I could have invested money in Bain - it's not at though he (Reid) is claiming it was Romney's right-hand man that (allegedly) told him this information. And how would an investor know what Romney did, tax-wise? While we're at it, again I'll ask: Where is Reid's tax return (Or Pelosi's, or any of the 517 of 535 members of Congress that won't release them)? He's not running for POTUS, but what's good for the goose oughta be good for the gander. More noise that should be allowed to go in one ear and straight out the other.
  16. Melody Sawyer Richardson Parents John M. Jr. and Rosemary
  17. Appears as though the owner chose her parents well, got a good education, worked as a Wall Street attorney for a spell, then as a corporate attorney/Sr. V.P. She likes to head up civic/charitable events now. Inherited the house from mummy, it seems.
  18. no, no, you're taking it out of context. He was talking about roads and teachers and stuff, so if you have a road in front of your business, the gub-ment put it there, and <that's> why those successful businesses are successful. damn trolling neo-cons...
  19. ...not so easy to walk into Vance's and buy anything... Used to like that store, still have some good folks there, they're just too dang busy all of the time.
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