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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. That's funny stuff right there, even Mr. Magley is smiling, I'd bet. Do any of the "anti gun" folk think they're going to change the "pro gun" folk's minds, or vice-versa?
  2. Exarch agrees with me? I change my answer, it's now "Thomas Jefferson". Glad to have you back, Exarch.
  3. Sign her up for an MSF class. If you don't like her and/or like to argue, continue to try to teach her yourself. Unless she's different from every other female, you two will be bickering in no time. Or she might just come to it naturally. Nah, sign up for a class.
  4. get a shotgun and a bigger nightstand...
  5. jblosser

    Mj usa

    (almost) A-may-zing.
  6. Sorry for your loss, but what an awesome video! Gotta submit that to Fox's "Dumbest Criminals" or some similar show - dipsh1t looks dead into the camera. Moron.
  7. Ellsworth Blosser would be 85 years young today. He grew up Mennonite on a farm in North Lima, Ohio, went to undergrad at Goshen College in Indiana, and attained graduate and post-graduate degrees at Ohio State. Worked as a chemist and metallurgist at Battelle Laboratory in Columbus and then in the same capacity at Worthington Industries. The man could grow one hell of a garden and could fix anything (and I do mean anything) with a motor or an engine. He also was mean with a stick welder in his hand. Sang a pretty good baritone/bass in the church choir at All Saints Lutheran in Worthington, Ohio, where he and Mom were founding members. Never missed a single baseball game of mine, from neighborhood games at age 9 to the American Legion World Series in Carson City, Nevada when I was 18. I haven't, and have vowed not to miss any game my son plays in - it's something Dad did that sticks in my memory. He doted on his only grandchild (my boy) for the 4 years that he knew him, and was married to my mother for 2 months shy of 46 years when death took him. Extremely frugal, he never earned what one would deem "a lot" of money, but when he died (and mom, less than 6 months later) he left 7+ figures to their church, their schools, and a couple of other charities. I buried him on my 40th birthday, nearly 7 years ago. I heard this song for the first time ever the day after he died, and I damn near rear-ended a semi on Rt. 3 in Westerville because I couldn't see. Happy Birthday Dad! Me and Jr. miss you a lot! Sorry for being long-winded, and perhaps boring, but it's something I wanted to do.
  8. If you've never been inside, you should go on this tour - it's an absolutely beautiful building. Copied from the Columbus Symphony Youth Orchestra's Facebook page: Ohio Theatre website (click)
  9. You should have sung Kum-fuckin'-baya with the bad guy(s), you paranoid person you. I for one am glad that you carried that day and are still around to tell us about it. I know Magz won't care (because anyone who believes in a higher power is just a worshiper of a fairy tale, and he's <way> too smart, sophisticated, and educated for that sort of nonsense) , but if you believe the Bible or the Koran (Qu'ran?), Cain killed Abel (or the other way 'round, i forget). The third person on the earth killed the fourth. So much for that whole 'peace and harmony' thing. Sucks, but violence and death, unfortunately, are a part of life. Ironic, isn't it? Ever watch Nat Geo? See some tribe of people in a jungle in East-by-God wherever that has little to no contact with the rest of the world? Killing goes on there, too. If I knew for a fact that I would never, ever need to defend myself or my boy (and I hated putting holes in targets at the range), then I would get rid of any and all firearms I might happen to own - if I hadn't already lost them in that horrible smelting incident. The above is submitted with all due respect to Mr. Magley.
  10. jblosser

    troll arab

    From the album: trolls

  11. jblosser


  12. I rode "the old vintage bikes" when they were new or nearly new...
  13. jblosser

    High beams

    "high beams"....I thought this was gonna be a thread discussing Baptizo's avatar... I haz a sad now.
  14. .nvm Bike looks awesome! Ignore the detractors. I think the sticker totally makes it - but the bike would be even better if you put the rack back on it...
  15. would prefer an F50, but an F40 will do... the forthcoming F70 looks awfully tasty - may need to pick one up.
  16. Moto Droid X, Gingerbread 2.3.4
  17. I'm betting Yes, but didn't see a ponytail so cannot confirm.
  18. i also has a droid x. with a fancy-ass kickstand case...
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