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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Like the title says, it's a website with user-submitted deals on guns, knives, ammo, and accessories. Gotta create an account to post up deals, but don't need one to look/click. Here be the website (click) *** WonderTwin approved
  2. jblosser

    Mad at NRA

    Google Voice (or just make up a phone #), e-mail filter for *@nramedia.org I don't get bothered at all - in fact, I've not received a phone call, ever, from them that I know of. I do have 1,500+ e-mails filtered...
  3. only the Chosen People would be optimistic enough to chop a half inch off before they even know how big it'll get... What do you call an uncircumcised Jewish baby? A girl. Cliff's:
  4. jblosser


    :superporter: knows (some) vi ? i haz newly-found respect for the pony-tailed, dirty fingernail-ed one.
  5. jblosser


    who the hell that's building one of these needs a "vi cheat sheet"?
  6. jblosser

    Mad at NRA

    I'll have to check if my duffel bags have a 'made in' tag, and see from whence they came. My guess is from the PRC. *** edit: Yup, "MADE IN CHINA".
  7. Mr. Quander is D.C.'s Deputy Mayor. He (presumably) has bodyguards. His bodyguards are (presumably) armed. It's easy to be a hypocrite.
  8. jblosser

    Mad at NRA

    http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=65088 "free" NRA membership ($25 to join/renew, get $25 BassPro gift card and a duffel bag
  9. <sarcasm> Of course I would, it's the law. I also report purchases I've made from teh intarwebz and pay the state sales tax... </sarcasm>
  10. Medicaid (probably) paid for it. Grandpa(ma) kicked, greedy heirs trying to cash in. I'm sure they'll report the income to the I.R.S.
  11. If a guy on a Harley snatches up my kitteh, I'm hopping on my bicycle, chasing him down, and laying a beat down on him...
  12. Looks like the "Action Kit" is a t-shirt, bracelet, "action guide" (whatevertf that is), some stickers, a button, and some posters. In other words, a ploy for some slick opportunist to make you and your money part ways. Pretend (peanut butter) rep for you. That way works, too... Always good for parents to have options.
  13. Pretty sure Tyler doesn't pick up his gun by the trigger guard nor pop his finger inside (insert joke here) 'til he's ready to fire, either. Practice enough taking it off safe and it's second nature. Practice enough with the safe off and it's second nature. If the OP's asking for opinions, he <might> be better served leaving the safety on and practicing flipping it into ready-to-go-bang mode. Just my $0.022 worth.
  14. ^^^ click the scales icon in the upper-right of the post you want to rep.
  15. It's "the quicker dicker-upper" :sex:
  16. Allows you to install non-Apple App Store apps. Allows you to switch carriers.
  17. (Yes, I stole this from Woot!'s front page). I thought of adding in a "oooh, I'm a healthy person and would never eat from a vending machine", but then remembered what forum I'm on... On Woot!, 1/2 the votes are #5, with #s 2 & 3 splitting the other half. No H&B option at Woot!
  18. if I wasn't hooked like a damn crack addict to my phone's abilities, I'd go back to a plain old flip-phone. Never had problems with my phone whose only capability was making/receiving calls...
  19. i can haz rep? you like boobies?
  20. stock phone (Droid, iPhone, BB) won't (shouldn't) freeze up. all the crap you add to it can cause it to behave in ways you may not have intended. I know, I know, you didn't put anything on it, it just locked up all by itself 'cause it hates you... Oh yeah, 'grats on the new phone. don't load it up with crap.
  21. I should add that if you intend your dog to be a first line of defense, (s)he should NOT be sacked out, snoring on your bed like my 75 lb. purebred Appalachian Porch Hound seems to be a lot of the time.
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