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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Standing WAY over the toe line/oche when throwing darts. Cheater.
  2. there aren't words to describe my ire right now.
  3. PM it to me. Unless he's a completely different person than he used to be, he will want to make this right. Used to be just him and his brother, and I see his trucks all over these days. PS: edit the name out, por favor. I can't in good conscience recommend someone that does that stuff.
  4. The very little I watched of that video I posted I heard him saying the Bush twins were basically idiots. Most likely true.
  5. Hmmmm. That doesn't sound like them. Maybe they've grown too much? Next time I see Scott I need to have a chat with him. Sorry, Jason - wouldn't knowingly recommend someone that does that. I retract my previous endorsement.
  6. Seems like folks these days are a lot more behind the people of the military than they were during Vietnam. John Q. Public may not support the war(s), but at least they (we) are supporting the warriors.
  7. Speaking of Gen3 (with all due respect, natch): View image in gallery
  8. jblosser


    From the album: misc

  9. You could get a Utah permit - the only state (from a quick glance) that Pennsylvania gets you that Utah doesn't is Maine, and Utah gets you plenty others to make up for Maine. I mean really, who wants to go to Maine with a handgun, anyway? It's not dangerous there. Plenty of places right here in Ohio to get your Utah permit. I may or may not have taken training down in Portsmouth - it was late May and I decided a nice leisurely ride back up through Hocking was in order, otherwise I'd have done it in Columbus.
  10. You could only sell to people that can produce their valid Ohio CHL...
  11. I believe their only discretion is whether or not to issue the license. Ohio is a "shall-issue" state, which means unless he has a darn good reason, you're getting the license.
  12. Website where the code quoted below was found:
  13. Posted up in response to the "Republican bias" comment. I don't give a rat's ass is they guy sells one book, or if Carter or Bush was the bigger delta-bravo. My guess: Reagan was a good guy, Mrs. G.H.W. Bush (the first Mrs. Bush) was as nice as the nicest grandmother you ever met, and the rest of them, Presidents and wives, were probably d-b's, as most politicos are.
  14. Interview with the author of the book on the Jon Stewart Show. Stewart's a Liberal, no? http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/mon-august-3-2009/ronald-kessler *** edit - the Dailyshow, not Jon Stewart show. Sorry, don't watch it.
  15. jblosser


    Credit Union. Any (I think) credit union ATM will work to withdraw funds without a fee - just look for the Plus or Star Network logos.
  16. NBC4 is now reporting that an overnight worker was found inside the building. Sounds like "facts" are flying fast and furiously around there, the actual "facts" will shake out sometime later today...
  17. You overpaid by 10%. @BRIAN: You able to tune Dodge Hemi, circa 2003?
  18. Winchester 73? Knock-offs are cheap; real one - you'll need to add some cashish.
  19. Evidently: A "large, black, strong coffee" = "Venti, bold". "Dude that makes the coffee" = "Barista" My I.Q., already dangerously low, just dropped a few more points... The "barista" at the Starbucks I visited had no idea there was any protest going on today... So much for the Anti's and their organizing abilities...
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