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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. keep one in the chamber and the tube full - if you need to pull the trigger immediately you're not wasting time racking it. if you want to rack it to use the sound to (hopefully) scare off the intruder(s), and it works, you can always pick up the shell that was ejected. lights help you see, may blind the intruder, may give away your position. pros/cons. get a dog with a deep, manly bark. best first line of defense, imho. ***edit: reduced/low recoil loads should make for easier/quicker follow-up shots. if you don't have a shotgun already, consider a 20 gauge. less recoil, easier follow-up, still plenty to stop a bad guy.
  2. Could not find at Google Play, f.k.a. the Android Market?
  3. Just use a computer at the library...or a co-loafer's machine...
  4. Full text here (click) I guess teh intarwebz are considered "interstate commerce" ?
  5. always some delta-bravo shittin' up my for sale thread... i'm rollin' in cash, bay-bee; puffing a big, fat spliff. you wanna discuss it? Meet me at the Giant Eagle on West Broad.
  6. ...easier than foreplay... Sorry. Maybe try those little bead things, "Dynabeads" I think? Allegedly the 4x4 guys with bigger tires swear by 'em, and it seems like some folks on here liked them in their bike tires. Never had an issue with 33's on the 3/4 ton... just had them balanced at the tire shop.
  7. Would be moar skeered if the reply to was "fbi@2600.org"... impossible. Seems legit, I trust C-Bus Outhosting is cheaper than inhosting your own Exchange environment. Troof.
  8. I like both kinds of music, Country AND Western...
  9. Whoolie it up the steps, puss. Build Evel Knievel-style ramp, open door,...
  10. I saw this a week or two ago, and was thinking (I know, right?!) on the way home from darts last night that I should post it up. Cliff's: - The answer is "no" to anyone asking you a question, except: - The answer is "yes" when asked if your dog bites, even if it doesn't - Shoot first He's armed and ready to fire at all times, especially in a bathtub full of jello and nekked womenz...
  11. 28 'likes' now - whatever the hell that means.
  12. No, dumbass, it's the stuff in your belly button...
  13. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/feb/23/2/2-columbus-men-charged-dublin-sunoco-homicide-ar-942229/
  14. +rep to TButt and CBus when p-b rule allows... to Tyler - employers <usually> don't care what the degree is, as long as it is there. As CBus said, internship is a great way to get moving on a career and gain valuable experience and contacts.
  15. Are you Indian (Slurpee, not tee-pee; dot, not feather) ? If not, well, umm, you don't really fit the profile. Sorry.
  16. Sonny Barger's Guide? Lemme guess: Chapter 1 - Find a bike to steal Chapter 2 - Deal drugs Chapter 3 - Treat women like shit Chapter 4 - Violence solves everything, even if not required etc... If it has to be one of those two, and not knowing what you want to do with it, I'd say get the Harley.
  17. You know my day job, so "DR" means Disaster Recovery to me, but couldn't fit that into a hunting term, and had nuthin' for the "T"... Context + thinking some + one or two brain cells left = good guess, I guess...
  18. "DRT" = "Dead Right There" ? ...Not a hunter - not opposed to it, just never have and don't know that acronym.
  19. Prease to send me username and password - I get it straightened out for you. -Peggy
  20. Flagged Flagged Not flagged, but should be.
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