Derp jr., should he decide to go to school (and isn't accepted into West Point, which is his current plan), will have his school paid for. I saw to that when he was born. If he chooses not to go on to higher ed., the trust is his, but with strict rules attached. he's welcome to live with me as long as he wants, assuming he's not a total delta-bravo. If he is, see ya. I was out a hair before I turned 18 (august birthday) 'cause i wanted to. Worked 40/week, went to school, paid for it with money earned, money previously saved/invested, etc. Don't technically need it for my field, but it doesn't hurt. I didn't "luck into" a job, I've worked to get where I am these days. Arrive early, stay late, don't call in sick when you have a hangover (don't get lit during the week), volunteer to come in weekends, etc. (as a single person or one w/o children, there's no reason not to, imho). Make yourself valuable to your boss, and his/her boss - you'll be rewarded. as Dave Ramsey says, " like no one else now, so later you can live like no one else...", or something along those lines. nutshell: work your @ss off, save as much as you can, don't waste money/buy crap you don't need when you're young, so that when you get to "that age", you can do whatever the heck it is you want to. "good" pay? your age. "pretty darn good" pay? double it. "really good/great" pay? triple+ it. again, just my $0.022 worth.