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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. jblosser

    Trapped whales

    where's that global warming when you need it?
  2. "guns, doc? huh? no, don't own any, and if i did, it would be none of your business. you own any croquet mallets? about as germane to my checkup as your question was."
  3. maybe they'll actually <read> bills before they sign bills now? nah.
  4. no idea if this is accurate, and DearLeader could overrule it, but...: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/09/Backfire-Obamacare-Forbids-Gun-and-Ammo-Registration
  5. first quote of yours proves the second quote a lie... i like vertical smiles...
  6. if anyone on this forum annoys you for whatever reason, there's something you can do about it that will actually help you: -click the "User CP" button toward the top of the screen -on the left side of the User CP, find the Settings & Options section, click the "Edit Ignore List" button -start typing the name of the person(s) who is annoying you, the software will help you complete the name -when the list of people that annoy you is complete, click the "Okay" button. All done, now you won't see these people that annoy you. btw, this thread <is> in the Ranting/Raving section...
  7. let's see: we (the U.S.) had been paying off Mubarak since the '79 Camp David Accords, about $1.5 B / year. once the so-called 'Arab Spring' started, we (DearLeader, via Ms. H.R. Clinton) told the Egyptian Army to step aside - "the Muslim Brotherhood are moderates", she said. there was a congressional resolution to hold off on the annual $1.5B payoff until it was determined whether/if the Brotherhood were allies. That resolution was defied and the money was sent. Wonder if the embassy would have been attacked if Morsi had not already received the payoff - in other words, would he have played nice if he didn't already get his allowance? reminiscent of Carter/Ayatollah Khomeini pact. we see how well that worked out. so, to answer your question: Yes, I do think the current administration played a very large part in getting Morsi/the Muslim Brotherhood into office.
  8. his buddy's name: Jed Woodbury.
  9. who put the Brotherhood in office? if you didn't answer "DearLeader', you're wrong.
  10. who buys ammo at Dick's, anyway? it's 2x more $$$ than anywhere else.
  11. quite the Mondrian-looking jacket that guy's wearing. i hope he's color-blind.
  12. i'll take payments from you on my '08 GSX650F...
  13. have these too. summer: too hot? srsly? wear shorts underneath, no liner. winter: zip in the liner, add some under armour-liner-thingys if you need 'em. johnny tested and approved. can't comment as to the 'crash-worthiness' - 'cause i haven't beefed in these pants...yet.
  14. dafuq just happened at the start of the Lites West main?! /no spoiler alert needed, Snot...just make sure you don't fast forward past to get to the 450's... *edit: awesome lites race...can't wait for the main. ** second edit: at the risk of sounding like a moto-x 'homer', the 450 main kicked @$$. Won't give away the winner, you wouldn't believe me anyway.
  15. jblosser

    Dry Firing

    if she's good with the .38, you could get yourself a .357... with the same Hogue Tamer grips as the .38, it's not bad, recoil-wise. I'ts not like shooting .22, and you won't want to spend all day at the range with it, but it's imminently manageable.
  16. i'm sticking with my 2010 prediction: Roger De Coster. I was right, because his rider, Mr. Dungey, took home the trophy.
  17. effing awesome 450 class heat one race...
  18. i'd say "shocking", but i'd be lying - something i try not to do... SX Lites West heat one just started.
  19. i honestly cannot feel much of a difference between my kholster(s) (1911, LCR) and my x-breed (xd-9 service 4"), and although the extra thickness on the K isn't much, i think i kinda prefer it..
  20. do it quick, before she changes her mind...listen to the voice of experience, son... and for future reference: it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission...
  21. i agree, it doesn't look great, but it's an iwb holster - retention and feel are what's important, no one (should) see it, James likes it, so... next time i need one, i'm calling Parks Holsters, Inc...
  22. season opener is on right now. they're blah-blah-blahing, racing hasn't started yet. here's to hoping i can has coffee and a Danish with Erin Bates in Indy again this year, just like last year. that's right, yours truly and the lovely Ms. Bates...
  23. you have lots of friends here at ORdN; some you've met, some you'll meet someday, and some you'll only know via the website. know this - all of us are here to support you, listen to you, and help you in any way that we can. my condolences to your friend's husband, their children, and of course to you, Jenna.
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