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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Bad, your woman loves to take pictures...want some?
  2. i should make up my head by the end of the month, Shield or XD-s will be up for sale. *edit - already have an LCR, don't need 3 pocket firearms.
  3. "they"? you mean "us", as in U.S.? No, we can't afford it...already in debt up past our ears... serpent is googling 'norm chomsky' (sic) right now...
  4. i'm good if it's not on a monday or wednesday. remember the epic lunch up north i scheduled, MJ?
  5. jblosser

    NYE Plans?

    turned jewish AND into an old woman in one day?
  6. "boy scouts with guns" you limeys got something right. that, Emma Watson, Keira Knightly, Liz Hurley, and darts. not sure if anything else. PM on its way.
  7. that'd make you a Pollock. you mean "MidgetToddStein" ?
  8. +rep if it connected with no security (after the reset), then maybe move up one step, security-wise, to WEP with an easy-to-remember password. If that works, then you could try WPA2. baby steps. also, the easiest/best thing to do, imho, is to hide your network's name (make the SSID non-broadcasting). Neighbors won't see it, won't try to connect. If there's a car parked out front with a big can-tenna sticking out the window, you're in trouble, but just in the neighborhood you shouldn't need super-duper security. no matter what security you set up, if someone wants in/on badly enough, they'll get in.
  9. -go to your video manager (click) -find the video in question, click the Edit button -from the Edit screen, click Advanced Settings -you should see Syndication in the left column - but unless you're a "monetizing partner" (whatever that is), you won't be able to change it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuMV7hXpyrI
  10. want. no idea AT ALL what i would do with it (shoot it occasionally, i s'pose), but want. going to sleep now - will be in touch via PM in the morning.
  11. I have a pair of Vasque leather hiking boots (we called 'em 'freak boots' back in the day) that are quite old. Sno-seal each winter keeps 'em waterproof and they look as good as when my Pop bought 'em for me. Re-soled once, a couple of pair of boot laces. Take care of leather boots and they'll last. here's a sample of their latest insulated boots, "snow junkie ultra dry" $130 online (click for link to Zappo's): http://www.amazon.com/Vasque-Snow-Junkie-Hiking-Pepper/dp/B006Z62GNW/ref=sr_1_32?ie=UTF8&qid=1356893272&sr=8-32&keywords=vasque+boots
  12. a great chef isn't great because of the pots and pans (s)he uses... a great painter isn't great because of the brushes (s)he uses... a great photographer is great because of his/her camera... an old axiom comes to mind: "it's more fun to ride a 'slow' bike fast than a 'fast' bike slow." maybe that's why i have lots of fun riding my 'slow' bike at medium speed.
  13. Folding stock? One of dem brake suppressor flash hider thingys? EVIL BLACK ASSAULT RIFLE! That's what I'm afraid with my 10/22 takedown - if/when i start modding, it'll never stop.
  14. ^^^ Lower-Than-Dirt was the retailer that raised p-mags to $60. Eff them.
  15. go to bar get drunk pick fight with cop free couple days room and board courtesy of the city/county.
  16. jblosser


    i personally wouldn't pay $400+ for a quartz watch, but that's just me. for a beater work watch do as others have said and get an el-cheapo from wherever. *edit: measure where the band attaches to the watch ("between the lugs"), should be some even increment of mm (16-18-20-22), then purchase a replacement strap/bracelet. Maratac, Maratac Zulu, Nato G10 are all good brands. Depending upon the watch, a "Bond" strap might look good. Google it.
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