i believe we're on the same side here, but... if i were carrying in church and shot a dude, i'd first have to prove that i had permission from the preist/pastor to do so, otherwise i'm in violation of at least one of Ohio's laws. Assuming the dude i just offed was a "bad guy", and meant to do harm, i probably wouldn't get charged, but still... same bad guy w/knife, same me but this time with a knife, and we're out on the public sidewalk in front of the church, i DO NOT need to explain why i didn't kung-fu-judo-chop-mace-taze him into submission. it seems you've alluded to being some sort of LEO (fed, local, don't know, doesn't matter), so if you are, and as part of your duties have to use force, then yes, you have to explain it. different standards. on the other hand, as a civilian resident of Ohio, i don't have to explain anything as long as what i did passes the "imminent grave bodily injury or death" test. Part of Ohio's "Castle Doctrine" assortment of gun laws. No duty to retreat, no duty to use less-lethal means. By your thinking, Bruce Lee (assuming he were alive and a resident of Ohio) would never be able to use a gun in defense of self/other, since we all know he could take on 10-15 armed dudes with his bare hands/feet and whoop 'em all. Again, not <really> arguing with you, but trying to clarify a civilian's rights under Ohio's laws.