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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. don't forget Crocodile Blondie, Free My Willie, and Shaving Private Ryan. wait, different genre. nvm.
  2. That was awhile ago for that old broad - it's senility, coupled with self-importance, arrogance, and Alzheimer's.
  3. i forget if you already answered this in the 'dry firing' thread, but is Mrs. SWing'r (Diamo girl?) going to shoot also? If so, awesome, except pretty soon she'll want a 1911, then something else, and something else...
  4. stiff (sic) Ruger trigger > Glock trigger
  5. pick up some snap caps and spend your couch time dry firing. I guarantee you'll like what happens to the trigger. the only piece of advice at the moment is to not swing/flip the cylinder up into the frame once you've loaded it, as you might have seen on t.v. or in the movies; nor should you spin the cylinder around. Both actions place unneeded stress upon parts.
  6. every tv station/network in the world had videos of them crashing planes into twin office buildings, a major defense department office building, and a field in Pennsylvania, killing 3,000+ men, women, and children. nice work guys!
  7. i believe we're on the same side here, but... if i were carrying in church and shot a dude, i'd first have to prove that i had permission from the preist/pastor to do so, otherwise i'm in violation of at least one of Ohio's laws. Assuming the dude i just offed was a "bad guy", and meant to do harm, i probably wouldn't get charged, but still... same bad guy w/knife, same me but this time with a knife, and we're out on the public sidewalk in front of the church, i DO NOT need to explain why i didn't kung-fu-judo-chop-mace-taze him into submission. it seems you've alluded to being some sort of LEO (fed, local, don't know, doesn't matter), so if you are, and as part of your duties have to use force, then yes, you have to explain it. different standards. on the other hand, as a civilian resident of Ohio, i don't have to explain anything as long as what i did passes the "imminent grave bodily injury or death" test. Part of Ohio's "Castle Doctrine" assortment of gun laws. No duty to retreat, no duty to use less-lethal means. By your thinking, Bruce Lee (assuming he were alive and a resident of Ohio) would never be able to use a gun in defense of self/other, since we all know he could take on 10-15 armed dudes with his bare hands/feet and whoop 'em all. Again, not <really> arguing with you, but trying to clarify a civilian's rights under Ohio's laws.
  8. i try to leave that at work, if possible - no sense stinkin' up the house if it can be avoided. "...a working man washes his hands *before* he pees..." -Max Power, iirc.
  9. DearLeader kept his word re: no increase in middle-class tax increases, so what's not to believe?
  10. 24 hour warning: "weather forecast for tomorrow, 3,000 degrees and sunny". We would, of course, mass-evacuate all U.S. assets (read: soldiers) with time to spare, and give Israel a week's notice, but only as they keep the news on the down-low. Use neutron bombs - a lot less infrastructure destroyed that way. 2 new U.S. states created, East Virgina and East Carolina. Gas back down to 20 cents/gallon. The entire region has done nothing except bicker with each other/the rest of the world for the past 1,000+ years - they're never going to like each other or play nicely with the other kids on the playground, so it's time to say "eff 'em". (the above is mostly wishful thinking).
  11. i agree, but: can you have budget cuts if there hasn't been a budget passed during DearLeader's reign? (for you mouth breathers, the above is a rhetorical question).
  12. there's nowhere I need to go that I'll risk a felony to enter that place. I'll find some other business that deals in what I'm after (food, hardware, whatever), or I'll leave the weapon locked in the lockbox in my vehicle. simply cannot risk Jr.growing up without me due to a completely avoidable action on my part.
  13. no, no, and no. you're either justified in using lethal force or you are not justified in using lethal force.
  14. jblosser

    Dry Firing

    the manual for the LCR states that dry firing is OK. the guys on the two Ruger forums i'm on would disagree - on the LCRs the firing pin spring will disintegrate - after lots (2k+ dry fires). occasional dry firing shouldn't hurt, but anything more than occasional - use snap caps. if you get an LCR, put snap caps in it, and 'fire' it 5-600 times (easy to do whilst on the couch during bowl season), you'll love what happens to the already pretty darn nice trigger. i assume you're looking at the LCR as a carry/defensive weapon, correct? If so, look into the one that's chambered for .357 Magnum. Yes, it kicks, but not enough that you can't easily control it, and you can shoot .38 special with it (as with any .357 mag). the LCR is not a range gun - that is, you're not going to want to shoot hundreds of rounds downrange every week. The .22 version is probably fine for that, but less than optimal as a defense round. although, as i've said before, ".22 > .00"... here's mine, in .357, with a pocket holster and a bianchi iwb (in waistband) holsters:
  15. +rep(s) two fellas that "get it". life's too short to be angry or hold a grudge (unless your anger/grudge is directed at the Ford motor Company, which is completely understandable and acceptable). 'grats on the new ride, and for hooking your Pop up with a great deal!
  16. dependency upon the government - that is what's being fostered. confiscating more from "producers" - DearLeader was trying to convince/condition/brainwash you that it is the right thing to do when he made his "...you didn't build that, the government did..." speech. After all, since "the rich" didn't do anything to earn the money they have, then it's OK for the government to take it from them and re-distribute it to those who don't have as much, right?
  17. you stole some of what I posted up on a social network:
  18. i thought Dear Leader said he was going to help the "middle class". 2% tax increase (not including DearLeaderCare taxes) doesn't help.
  19. It wasn't voted on by congress; Dear Leader used another one of his famous Executive Orders. effin' p.o.s.
  20. not batteries, ya dope - it's powered by Briggs and Stratton...
  21. I've set up two trusts with them, no issues whatsoever.
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