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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. according to this source, linked from Forbes, tOSU football program generated $39 M in income in 2010, $35.7 M in 2011 (one less home game). according to this article, it looks like the entire department is in the black, but barely. creative accounting 101, likely.
  2. no, he sells his own, homegrown. different co-stars each week. :takeit:
  3. i wonder how Dear Leader's policy of mollifying our enemies is working. i would ask our ambassador to Libya, but... if i had to guess, since The Brotherhood is not in charge in NK, and there are no brown/black (muslim) folk in sight, he will react with more strong words. no action, but strong words. or he may just start another unauthorized military action (a la Libya, which has worked out well, so far...). hard to tell, when his foreign policy is basically undefined. but then again, he adores socialism, so...yeah - hard to tell what he'll do.
  4. 16:50 - confirmed working in C-Bus on Verizon/4g; was not at approximately 13:30.
  5. you now have a quest: find a skateshop, see if they have one of these for sale, or know of one: Pocket Pistols 2005 Skatepark Series Deck - Apple Skatepark. Will pay a finder's fee.
  6. no. too bad for your argument that we have "the bill of rights", not "the bill of needs".
  7. google shows it at 999 Bethel, which would place it just east of the railroad tracks, between Kenny and Olentangy. likely on the south side, where those warehouses are (and where The Toll rehearsed, way back in the day )
  8. ohioriders.net www.ohioriders.net put those two lines in your hosts file (c:\Windows\system 32\drivers\etc\hosts) In 24 hours or so, you should be able to put a "#" in front of both lines (comment them out). DNS can take up to 48 hours to update completely; in this case it looks like the cname record (the one that redirects www.ohioriders.net to ohioriders.net) didn't get updated quite as quickly. The website admin could also cheat it with a .htaccess file in his /var/www/ or apache root.
  9. buy new internal drive and adapter to mount external drive via USB. take out old internal drive, keep for later. put new internal drive in pc. install Linux (or Windows, if you must) to new drive. install some sort of a/v software (avg, nod, eset, ms essentials). mount old drive via USB. scan old drive. restore your Carbonite backup to the old drive. scan old drive again, clean/delete infected files from the restore. done!
  10. if i'm on the highway for an hour + trek, I set the cruise at 70~ and keep to the right, i kick it up to 80, 85 to get around someone, then coast back down to my set speed. If I'm passing someone and someone gets on my @ss, they can wait until I pass, because i'm gettin' over as soon as i can. can't stand left lane bandits. it's (un)common courtesy.
  11. same guy designed both guns, so not surprising they've a lot of similarities.
  12. not an assumption i'd make, given the way things are going in the brave new world...
  13. ought to look at Howie's join date 'fore calling him a newb... ...and you should watch the video before faulting his logic based upon the title of the unwatched video - although I won't fault you for not watching - i could only take about a minute before dozing off, but it's late. jus' sayin'.
  14. evidently they haven't stopped by my house... ...but yes, other than me, it seems to be quite the friendly city.
  15. stole a skateboard deck on e-bay to add to the collection, then went out for about an hour.
  16. this ain't new. cluckers in w'ville doesn't mind firearms - food's just as good, atmosphere not quite the same...
  17. yeah, don't toss it in the trash... source (click) not much there, but might help.
  18. you may get MT-bagged... ...with all due respect and stuff...
  19. welcome, and thank-you for being a sponsor!
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