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oldschoolsdime92 last won the day on December 4 2020

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About oldschoolsdime92

  • Birthday 10/22/1986

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2017 KTM 250 exc-f

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  1. Ahh yes. Crab bisque if I recall correctly?
  2. Man, thank you! I knew this route was created by someone on here. It had been so long I just couldn’t remember!
  3. About once a month, when it’s open !
  4. Years ago, in a land far far away, we used to all go down to deals gap. At one point someone shared a map with a route that looped through all four states. It included cherohala skyway, blood mountain, war women road, nc28, and some other glorious roads. Does anyone still have this route by chance?
  5. I've heard a lot about wellsville , but never gone. Looks pretty rowdy!
  6. I have confirmation that they are in fact opening April 1 this year. Made probably a dozen trips down last season. Looking forward to this season opening up!
  7. Thanks guys! I’m super excited about the bike. I want to order the vortex ECU and get it breathing good, and it should be great!
  8. That’s an MX track, that my son and I have permission to ride.
  9. I've only got about 7 hours on it so far, but really enjoying it.
  10. Recently stumbled on a leftover 2017 KTM 250 exc-f at a local dealer. Had to make it come home with me.
  11. I was thinking a few days ago, how many riders there were. It was genuinely amazing. WELCOME to the mix. Be patient. The groups come in waves. Give it time if you don't find the group your looking for right away. I'm not far from you, but I rarely ride on the street anymore, so I'm not much help.
  12. Trail pass is what I meant- Is this what I need? I thought for sure I read yesterday I could not buy them online. I've never ridden Wayne, but I really want to check it out. https://www.pay.gov/public/form/entry/101/
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