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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. In that case, punctuation owns you. Either way it's a fail.
  2. I'd ride her all day long, that bike however looks like shit and I wouldnt buy it.
  3. You are always wrong and in need of correction.
  4. Reading comprehension owns you.
  5. Cant answer that, proper adjustment will still help even if you need a different spring you can still see improvement from setting the rebound and compression
  6. Nope 4 stroke of same size has less kick. Thats why in MX 250 2 strokes and 450 4 strokes are in the same class. A 250 4stroke is comparable to a 125 2 stroke. It's in the weight and power delivery 2 and 4 strokes are completely different animals
  7. Yep, had mine done at Putnam midday and made a big difference in laps
  8. I feel your pain Blame on, the construcion is nasty. And I'm not the one who went down You would, you black guys always blame others
  9. Tires and have your stock suspension set up by someone who knows what they are doing will be your biggest improvement. Then a steering dampener. Then a PC3 tuned by Brian will greatly help ridability and smooth out the motor
  10. I'm pretty sure no one but Swinger really cares
  11. The size and shear flow it has requires 3 rings
  12. We do many events that includ the family and nonriders, stick around you'll learn that. I'm one of very very few that have said anything good about you why test that?
  13. Nope, thats when I say "hell yea game on bitch". But I'm a lil different than most
  14. I love Yahoo answers.......... and you did the search, that answers several questions as well
  15. Server needs spell check too, should be "too busy". I think you need to switch from buds bargin entranet to Al Gore's Internet
  16. You got Ringorolled, deal with it.
  17. Plus it includes the other halfs and kids. That spawns more friendships with the ones that may not ride.
  18. I like the cook out idea and then Shallowtail. There are many new members that we don't know yet and even though we are a bike site we are a much tighter group than other forums and most of us know each other on a personal level. A cook out would allow the large amount of newbs to get to know us and maybe lessen the "Ringo effect". We always have a good time at our non bike events so it'd be a good time that wont end in a dick measuring contest and a crash. Then Shallow tail afterward
  19. I think I found 0.95$ on Saturday's ride. That Black Tod is a bad influence.
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