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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. If you've been attacked since you joined, hell maybe it's you I think we are getting to you
  2. This ^^, I think, furthers my assumptions. He seems like he could be a decent guy if he'd just come out with it. History has shown that trying to lead a double life really puts allot of stress on a homosexual male with low self esteem and Mommy issues. He bought a Harley to try and over come some of the hurdle's he faces in his struggles but sadly it seems even that didn't help. Poor guy.
  3. Well safe to say you have no children then Then again you Brum Brum fellers dont do women so I guess it's not much of an issue.
  4. Thanx Judd, pretty safe company to be in too I'd say but hell whadda I know.
  5. I think this CRB fella has a bit of a boy crush and is a lil smitten. Kinda cute really.
  6. Knights Of Columbus hall. Main st Whitehall Um sounds like we are bothering you
  7. Nope, not LEO. Although I respect the job they do, not a job I want. It's a lil too boring for me
  8. Yep, public. Your point? You make me smile each time I read your replies. You never will understand the troll thing either
  9. What? English owns you.
  10. luv ya man, and thanks for comming down Saturday.
  11. Haha thats pretty funny. Dont think many others here will agree with you and many here drive 3 or 4 hrs just to attend the shoots that I hold. Prolly otta get to know me and mabey even find out what I do for a living before you label me a "quick triggered punk that shouldn't carry" Might be your life I'm saving one day kid
  12. Because everybody knows what you can't see can't hurt you. Duh
  13. Virgins are over rated, gotta teach em everything
  14. Can I buy a bike and write you a check dated for after the next rapture date?
  15. I would like you to give me a wife beater and a hat for free for liken all this stuff
  16. http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s13e12-the-f-word http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=37621&highlight=south+park
  17. I understand more of the law than you, I promise you that. CCW is also not always a felony moron thats what bargaining is for. And your sig is gay. Stop being a douche and go meet up with your HD buddies and reenact that South Park Harley episode.
  18. Im comparing nothing. Pointing out that a law is a law so no one can sit here on thier high horse and say they are a law abiding citizen. You choose to break the ones you want to or feel you can get away with so dont judge me for the ones I break. No one here is innocent so stop with that already. I choose to not be a victim by whatever means I see fit. I've been shot along with my girlfriend when I did not have my gun on my side and swore that will never happen again. Have you been in that situation? I'm guessing NO. I do not leave it behind now and will not and do not care what the law or window sign say. I am comfident that a jury of my peers will side with me in the event it is a court matter. When you and your girl get shot while your gun is in the car put away you come see me and and let me know if you still feel the same about the law and window signs till then bite me.
  19. You can get fined and or arrested for speeding and pissing outside. So I guess you dont do that either?? Laws are laws, funny how people argue to abide by the law then break the ones they feel are less important. Pick your side of the fence and stay there dont preach about courts deciding when you dont follow all of them
  20. We get the point that it's sent from your Iphone using Taptalk.
  21. I carry because I'm too lazy to fight anymore.
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