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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. It's kinda a classy country place so wash.
  2. Dont hate because you didnt get an invite
  3. You can give him the prize tonight at Uncorked... be at my place by 9 with Karin
  4. Dont take two hours for pizza. Me and the ole lady and Jagr and his ole lady will see ya there round 930 940. Pepperoni Pizza calling my name
  5. If I worked at the power plant Id throw the switch right now to kill everyones power for like 5 mins because Im sick and twisted
  6. Well you coulda asked while we were on the ride and I'd gave you a couple but since you didnt. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=18111 Or see one of us at Roll on Columbus next month.
  7. Well I was riding with Udell and Tod today so it cant be either one of those two.
  8. If you like good pizza you do, and they have a good beer selection for you and a huge wine selection for your Asian lady friend. The pizza has a different taste to it than anywhere else and just the right amount of spice to clear your sinuses and make you drink
  9. You could join us and eat there sometime.. food is good at the Lock and Uncorked across the street has killer pizza
  10. Illegal immigrant business owner stealing our women and money 146 is a get you there road, 79 is a fun road. I'm gonna suggest a small end of route change to John that will avoid construction and get you late comers onto 79. We can all discuss it at lunch.
  11. I gots better work is good to me when I need meds
  12. If I dont start feeling better I may well end up the sweeper
  13. I will say this though. Ringo did keep up and do better than expected and does not seem to be such a tool in person.....but we didnt talk much. My head and body still hurt just getting to the end of a sinus infection, head cold thing thats killing me so I wasnt in the talking mood and barely in the riding mood so was also riding at a very reserved pace but he did keep pace.
  14. Boredom sorry ......somebody shoulda told me he was recording
  15. Yes we will be waiting at 79 and 16 and will just filter into place no need to stop for us. Im still getting over my cold and sinus infection and gonna need all the sleep and rest I can get. We did a short ride today at about 50% pace and it took all I had
  16. I'll prolly be late as usuall, but gonna try for early
  17. Cracked open too many Slim Jim's and caused a heart attack
  18. MidgetTodd


    He doesnt like gainful employment or ever plan an grandkids hugging him
  19. 430 445 would be better Thought you was leading So simple a caveman can do it
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