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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Felony becomes misdemeanor every single day with ease, either you are law abiding or you're not. Pick the side of the fence you are on and stay there. Speed limits are law just as gun laws. It seems to me you are not a law abiding citizen
  2. FF too, actually I'm the LT at the FD. You cut me deep
  3. Laws against speeding too, where do you stand on those??
  4. I've seen Likwid drag knee in the IP parking lot with his cruiser
  5. I thought you only listened to XM Spanish, how would you know this song existed?
  6. I wanna rep you but I think that is some kinda hurtful stab
  7. That MJ dude there ^^ has a point
  8. Be respectfull and not a mouthy asshat, that goes a long way with any officer
  9. Yes 3 very nice days and i rode all 3. Kev is a lil cranky today cuz a fat woman got a lil to close to him on the plane
  10. Somebody is mister cranky pants today. It's ok Kev we still wuv ewe
  11. So will nekkid 80 year old woman with 1 boob and 1 leg but who wants to see that?
  12. Because yellow bikes are, well, yellow.
  13. You ,sir, know not of what you speak. When there is no malicious intent the officer will usually warn you and forget about it or if charged it gets reduced... How do I know this? 2 ways, 1 my Dad and step Mom both work for the Sheriffs dept. 2 I had it happen to me and it was a fine and yes still able to have my CHL. Go ahead and leave yours behind though and maybe if you're lucky I'll be there to protect you and your familiy when the bar and grill you're eating in has a dumb ass start trying to kill people cuz he caught his girl cheating on him with the bartender.
  14. Either is fine since my bike is in both
  15. Wut and why? Dont like it buy somthing else. How was this post worthy?
  16. If you find yourself in a situation you need to use it in...who cares if youre "supposed" to have it, it's your life protect it. You wont meet bubba its a fine no time. I'll take being judged by one over being carried by 6 any day of the week.
  17. This thread has went sooo much better than I expected. Not sure if I should be happy or sad?
  18. Ringo had plenty of tread on his Shinko's, I'll give him that.
  19. I was at same bar and had 2 beers and shot exactly nobody.
  20. My gun goes with me everywhere, dont care what the law says and dont care what the sign on the door says. Its concealed so noone even knows anyway so therefore its not even an issue. My gun has killed noone. McDonalds kills more people every year than guns.
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