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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Can still use my old place iffen ya ont to............... Then we can head down to the new place fer beers an bullshit
  2. CSBA ride Saturday http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=75929
  3. I saw it and my hopes were high that you made one of your own
  4. 79,36,60,62,83, or somthing like that maybe
  5. Guess your not all that huh, sorry brah.
  6. Dont care if you're there or not, we'll still ride. Seriously we will.
  7. John called today and told them to expect a party of atleast 20
  8. Lock 27 is where we be nomin ate on the CSBA ride Sat
  9. If it will make you feel better you can reset my high speed recall yourself before the ride and after you find yourself doing 185 to catch up you can push it and see I toped at 75.
  10. Stay off the rev limiter and cover the brake.
  11. Also the different groups are not a dick measuring contest. So dont move to just be able to say you rode with the fast guy's. Move when you can hold your line everytime.
  12. When you find yourself in a hole.......stop digging
  13. I dont get set up in my own playground youngbuck
  14. I'm starting to think Ringo fails at all aspects of life. I've withheld judgment thus far to give him the benefit of doubt. Sadly though I think it was pointless
  15. Dude whatever that is such a cop out. We always post our rides and have a good turn out. Cops dont stalk our site and wait for an ambush. Besides that wtf? We arent out running 185, when I lead I stay around 75ish. I just dont slow down for the corners like you newbs do thats why you're running 100+ in the straights to catch back up. But yea you're right it's probablly a set up and you should stay home. You'd just slow us down anyway
  16. Ive got better pics from work if you wanna lose the rest of lunch
  17. It not all about speed. I want someone to be able to hold thier line and be predictable consistantly before they bump up. A fast unpredictable rider is way more dangerous than a slow rider that you can count on to hold his line. Speed will come, make sure you hold your line everytime before you bump up.
  18. She's deff no dude, I'll vouch for this
  19. Poker runs are for drunk Harley riders and wanna be's in assless chaps
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