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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. C'est la view. Don't leave stuff behind. They tried to help you out and didn't live up to your expectations. Most places would just throw the thing away. They tried to help - don't make then regret trying to help.
  2. I did my own spark plugs. Just need to be creative when it comes to getting the coil packs off. Some needs to be spun upside down etc. Especially driver-side front.
  3. I expect they're losing a bunch of money on this work at this point. Still, if they get it all sorted out then I'll be happy. An extra day without my car would suck if I'd rented a Cobalt or Malibu but a 2013 Legacy is a nice loaner.
  4. I understand them wanting to keep people from running up the miles with zero intent to buy - but it's not like they can force you to buy it. I wonder how else they could keep the riff-raff away. I DID notice the WRX STi they have on-site has a $4k "Availability Surcharge". Whut?? That makes it a $42k car.
  5. They think the new gaskets are bad. They are trying new gaskets (they were working late when I got there) If it's not the gaskets then it's something else that they did as I brought the car in with this: Just a seep/drip onto the exhaust. Maybe 2 or 3 drips after my 25min commute. Whereas they ran it and spewed 2 quarts of oil onto the floor. I hope I get a full cleaning of the engine too, that stuff's gonna stink to high heaven.
  6. Tuesday Drop Wednesday Drop Notice she almost ran over the package herself... BTW, I need to replace the HDs in this DVR - the data rate can't keep up apparently.
  7. Interesting couple of days. Took my car to the Subaru dealer (Byers/Billingsley) for them to check out a leaking valve cover gasket. The H-4 engine has to be partially removed to replace the gasket so I wanted to see how much it's cost versus how much time it's take me. They quoted me $265 for the one side which is fair enough. THEN they told me they had accidentally quoted me the 2-hour Mazda rate for the work instead of the 3 hour Subaru rate. (~350) They stood by the quote, though, which is great. Took it to them this morning to get the work done, and at the end of the day I got a call with good news and bad news. Good news is they saw the other valve cover gasket leaking and they replaced that for free (should have charged me ~350 per side = ~700). Bad news is when they started the engine up after the work was completed they said oil started pouring out of both valve covers. They need the car for another day to repeat all the work. I got a free loaner (2013 Legacy, nice car) So, we'll see how things go tomorrow. When I arrived to check out the car I saw there was a couple quarts of oil on the floor under the car, so they weren't kidding when they said oil was pouring out. So they kept it two days, but to get $700 worth of work done for $265 plus a free loaner... Couldn't beat that deal with a stick...
  8. It's either laziness or she's getting pressured to be faster. Either way, this is not how you become more efficient. I've lived here 13 years and I've never had any delivery service drop packages in my driveway. It rained about an hour after the package was dropped there. If my wife hadn't been home the package and mail would have been soaked and ruined. Video is forthcoming...
  9. This time the mail carrier came within a couple of inches of running over the package herself as she pulled out of the driveway...
  10. 3rd day, 3rd package (and mail) dumped in my driveway instead of mailbox or front porch. Dumped about 15' from my front door - so it's not like its saving her a bunch of time. All it's doing is leaving my mail exposed to weather and at risk of being run over.
  11. I tired calling the mail carrier directly. Got a "She's coming to the phone" then was on hold for 10 minutes. Hung up and called the postmaster a coupe of hours later. He obviously didn't get to speak with her until after she set of on her deliveries yesterday - another package thrown into the driveway right behind my wife's side of the garage, in line with her tire. She nearly ran over it.
  12. Slow speed and an open-face helmet may explain clearer voice. If I was going to vlog while riding I'd use a gopro and then run the microphone for my intercom into a voice recorder. I'd use my vido processing software (Sony Vegas HD) to overlay/blend the voice recorder audio with the gopro audio to give nice clear speech.
  13. I could show you a woman who can have sex 50 times an a row but your company probably blocks those kinds of websites.
  14. Came home to find a package thrown onto my driveway right where I'd have run over it if I backed out of the garage. Played back the cctv to find out what happened... Did someone come and try to steal it but then change their mind? Did the mail carrier just throw it out of a moving truck? Some of the edges of my driveway are marked by old railroad ties/sleepers. She apparently can't tell the driveway from the grass and wound up bouncing over the sleeper and getting stuck for a short time. Gonna call them tomorrow and have a quick word about keeping her damn truck off the grass... And not throwing the damn packages... And not leaving them on the driveway...
  15. How about this - I'll point a camera at my junk and wait for a hornet to land on it. You in? The camera on my bike shows nothing worth looking at - just me stopping. bo-ring.
  16. Not a repost. Sure, other folks may have had something similar happen to them, but this is still a real / original story that happened to me directly.
  17. Maybe my story is a modern allegorical fable of how easily one's peace and security can be violated by external forces and the moral is about a calm response is the best. Maybe it's just about a guy who didn't want to get stung in the plums by a hornet the size of a hamster.
  18. None of these are my story.
  19. When my son was two he stared to get ear infections. After a couple rounds of antibiotic pills the infection was still there so they told me they'd have to give him an injectable antibiotic. I wondered how he would deal with that... They brought two nursed into the room, pulled his pants down to expose the front of his thighs. Then I saw TWO injections, one in each nurses' hand. I asked why two shots, they said the amount of fluid going into his leg was too much for a single shot. Bad to worse. THEN they asked me to hold him down and both nurses rear up like they were going to jab him at the same time. I said; "Whoa, why both at the same time?" They said; "This this going to hurt. After he has his first he won't let us give him a second." They reared up again and both jabbed him in unison. His face was one of puzzlement. They injected the material, and his face curled up in pain. They pulled out shots and he exploded into the worst crying I'd ever heard from him. I immediately scooped him up into my arms and tried to comfort him by patting him on the shoulder. It worked. Then they said; "Bring him back tomorrow for the second round of shots. The next day we got to the pediatrician's office and my boy stared to get fussy and scared. Took him into the room and the two nurses walked in again - my son went into a crying fit, he knew what was coming, I held him down and they jabbed him again - the look in his eyes and he stared at me like; "Why are you letting them do this?" More crying, even worse. I scooped him up onto my arms again and patted his shoulder to comfort him. It worked. Then they said; "Bring him back tomorrow for his third round." The next day, as soon as we got to the pediatrician's parking lot my son went into a panic, crying and screaming. Dutifully, I took him to the office. The two nurses came in, and jabbed him a third time. He was in agony. I couldn't stand seeing him in pain like that any more and lost it. Started crying myself. Scooped him up again and held him. And then the strangest thing happened. I felt a patting on my shoulder. I thought it was one of the nurses... But it wasn't. It was my 2yo son. HE was comforting ME. It worked.
  20. I'm gonna raise the BS flag HIGH in the air on that. I wrote this myself, about an hour before posting it here.
  21. Where else have you seen it posted?
  22. I found out something about myself today. I can be calm under pressure and keep my head in a life-threatening situation. How do I know this? Read on... As I was riding my motorcycle home from work today, minding my own business and whistling happy tunes inside my helmet, I found myself in a pretty precarious situation. I happened to bump into a "Bald Faced Hornet". When I say "bump into" I mean literally. The hornet flew into my face shield while I was riding on Route 36. So what? I hit bugs all the time. This one, though, was the size of a AA battery and hit with a thud, and startled me a little. Then it tried to fly off but wound up into my chest. A little dazed, apparently, it tried to fly away but seemed to prefer the pocket of calm air behind my windshield and finally landed on my tank bag to gather it's thoughts and take stock of where it was. It looked up at me, and I looked back at it. (Let me digress for a moment and say I hate stinging insects with a passion. You would too if you'd been stung in the face 14 times by a swarm of Paper Wasps. Back to the story.) Still hurtling down Route 36, the Hornet and I shared our brief encounter, but alas, all good things must come to an end. So I lifted up my hand and tried to gently brush the hornet off my tank bag. It was having none of it. It flew around back onto my tank bag. Right, you little bugger, a little more forceful this time. Push, fly, land. It looked up at me like a stoner kid; "Sup, brah?" Tired of its little hornet shenanigans, I swiped at it with passion and vigor. I hit the tank bad and sent the little bastard arse-over-tit into the air. I raised a triumphant fist into the air as I saw it lose control and fall down. Down. Right down, into the saddle. Between my legs. And disappeared under my crotch. Now, as any of you gross bachelor types will (refuse to) admit, sometimes you drop food while you are sitting down and have to go digging between your legs for it? Yeah? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? So there I am, speeding down Route 36 with a hornet (the size of a baby carrot with red-hot needle where his arse should be) that has decided to play hide-and-seek "down under". Now, I'm sure you can imagine that this is NOT an ideal scenario for me. At any moment it could sting me in the unmentionables, yet I cannot do anything about it while I'm doing 65mph. This is where grace under fire comes in. Did I panic and dump the bike? No. I stayed the course, despite the fact my love spuds were in MORTAL danger. (I digress again - I had an epiphany - I always wondered how bike magazines got such great 60-0 braking distances on test bikes. How do they do it? They drop a bald-faced hornet down the test rider's boxers. Job done.) I stopped that bike so damn fast I swear it's 4 inches shorter now. And speaking of 4 inches shorter, my wedding tackle had involuntarily relocated to up under my lungs. I also managed to achieve this Newton-defying act of braking with one hand, while the other hand dug into my crotch desperately grabbing handfuls of anything down there hoping to evict the hornet from the vicinity of my trouser torpedo. I hopped off the bike like I'd been launched by one of those inflatable blobs that people jump on the other side of and started frantically swatting at my little buddy. It must have been quite a sight to see my by the side of the highway reaching down with both hands battering my nethers like my hairy brain was on fire. Finally I saw the hornet fly away without so much as a "by your leave". I was unscathed. Mr Happy remained true to his name. I took a moment to pay homage to my "unstung hero". I got back on the bike and rode home, with my legs clutching the bike so tight I thing I left knee-shaped dents in the tank.
  23. Been there, done that, only it was my younger brother. Went out for the day and left him behind (12yo) at home because he had a stomach ache. Got home in the evening and found him still in pain. Drove him to the hospital who diagnosed Appendicitis, and then said his appendix is at risk of bursting. In the time it took them to prep him for surgery his appendix burst and they had to treat him for peritonitis. He has a scar from his nips to his bits. That was 20 years ago. He is fine now. He came through the surgery fine with no complications and was back on his feet in no time. My son in 9, so stories like this make me want to hug him just a little bit tighter tonight.
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