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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. I want to see that trooper's texting activity. Absolutely zero excuse for that. Don't fire him, because mistakes are made. But he needs to be sent on remedial driver training, get ACDA and reckless op tickets, be put on probation with the dept (any further driving infraction = bye bye job) Also the police dept should pay for all damages without a moment's pause.
  2. ...knock on a car's window, slap on it's roof or punch its mirror to get the person's attention so they stop merging into you?? Someone in a minivan pulled a cheeky double-lane change into me and squeezed me up against the fog line. The sight of me in her passenger window didn't stop her, the sound of my upgraded horns (car horns) didn't stop her - it was only when I slapped the top of her mirror that she quit merging into me. (No damage, just hard enough with my fingers to get her attention. Not even enough to move it) Not only have there been a lot of accidents on the news recently, but I've been coming across an unusual amount of idiots on the road lately.
  3. The story I read earlier on CNN is that a gun was found in the house but was "not involved". Florida needs to seriously think about pulling his permit for a while. He had a BG, so he's safe enough.
  4. Scruit


  5. Scruit


    If you looked at the polls, you'd rethink that statement. The overwhelming view is against military action. We can get involved when the UN agrees to it. Not before.
  6. If so then she should continue in her lane, match speed and merge behind the truck on the ramp. Stopping means that she now has to race to merge with the traffic BEHIND the truck. Either way, stopping in a clear open lane with a green light is NOT the way to do it. And do you agree that being on a bike at the back of an unexpectedly stopped line of traffic is a bad place to be?
  7. If you have a green turn arrow and a clear lane then just fucking GO!
  8. I don't believe that pic is from the US. There are rules in the US dealing with how to euthanise animals and how to dispose of them afterwards. Since when does any ONE shelter euthanise hundreds of animals in a day? That looks more like a still from one of those videos about the dog/cat fur trade in the far east, or cleanup of dead pets after a natural disaster.
  9. Should shave his head from his shoulders.
  10. I had to pay a $25 surrender fee for the day-old kitten I found abandoned in my garden. If I had to do 3 hours work there for free then I'd have left it where I found it. Not everyone who surrenders an animal is an arsehole. Some of us a just trying to save a life.
  11. Can't find the original thread. This is from March of this year. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57576310/road-rage-video-leads-to-n.c-couples-arrest/ Anyway, this case is still going on. Bradley Turner had a hearing scheduled for today regarding his felony charges. His wife has a hearing scheduled for Sep 6th. Latest: http://www.jdnews.com/news/crime/court-hearings-continued-in-road-rage-case-1.183191 Lesson: You can't bring a gun to a fight you start. You can't use a gun to defend someone who started a fight. If they are out starting fights, maybe they NEED the whuppin'.
  12. That looks like it's fittin' ta be an ugly conversation...
  13. Scruit


    We go in with UN approval or we stay out. Why is it that only US & UK want to stomp Syria's guts out and nobody else?
  14. I'd totally rock that if I knew what "Brittish" meant.
  15. Just like teabagging a wombat. If you're lucky you'll be fine. Otherwise you'll be following it around with a pooper scooper for the next 24-36 hours hoping it craps out something you can re-attach.
  16. You can prevent that by hitting the gas as you straighten out and put weight on the back tires - that's where it's needed. Sudden lane change plus hitting the brakes as you straighten out is a recipe for disaster in a car. Less of a problem on a bike, but the faster the bike goes the harder it is to swerve. And don't forget - twice as fast is four times as painful.
  17. Hah. Kitty's gonna kick your ass for me. Bring it, beee-atch. (or you could just whack off again and god will kill this kitty...)
  18. Hellmutt's wife... This kitten is ADORABLE!! See the little L-shape that comes down between his eyes and goes to his left whiskers? Think of that poor little thing, all alone, crying for his momma who abandoned him. I think he's mewing "Will you be my new mommy?" Will you? WILL YOU? Every time Hellmutt whacks off, God kills a kitten. Next time, it'll be THIS kitten. Don't let it happen.
  19. I know a guy should never hit a girl, I get that right? (Well, I hit girls all the time, but that's sparring karate) Nor should a guy hit an old person or a kid or whatever... BUT when one of those "protected" groups actually starts hitting a guy, then the guy has every right to do just enough to stop them. Not overboard. I guess what I'm saying is, I'd have grabbed that bitch's arm, pinned it down to the counter and cracked her one right in the nose for hitting my staff like that.
  20. Still is - just for a bigger snake
  21. http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/9408914-delaware-ohio-kitten We found this guy in our back garden. Abandoned by his momma (in the 90+ degree sun for 9 hours) at a day old. I thought it was a bird call at first until I realized it was coming from the ground. The Delaware Humane Society took him in. He's now old enough to be adopted. We can't take him back because my wife has allergies. Here he is the day we found him:
  22. The McNuggets girl is 24yo Melodi Dushane. She got 60 days in jail and a restitution order for the window. Toledo.
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