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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Scruit


    You can turn the passcode off.
  2. Scruit


    Buddy of mine bought an S3 when I got my iP5. He said the same thing. I have YET to have to reboot my phone. His S3 needs weekly reboots. My DroidX was even worse. So that's more like iPhones are for people who don't what to have to continually fix broken crap on their phones.
  3. Scruit


    That's what you get when you buy the 3.5" 1.44mb iPhone.
  4. Scruit


    I'm liking the new "Find My iPhone" setting that prevent someone from turning off FMiP or wiping the device. I *do* wish they would require the lock code to power down.
  5. Scruit


    The 3d icons are doing my head in. (They are mimicking 3d screen by sensing when you tilt the phone and panning he background slightly so it looks like 3d. )
  6. You'd need to hire your own lawyer for any criminal charges, but I'm struggling to understand the concept behind an insurer refusing to hire a lawyer to defend against a civil judgement. Any payout comes from the insurance on the vehicle - it is purely in the insurer's interests to vigorously defend any claim. If they refuse a lawyer then THEY most likely wind up paying out more. Insurance even covers accidents as a result of illegal driving. In fact, all accidents are the result of someone doing something illegal, right? Failure to yield, failure to obey a traffic control device, failure to slow to avoid an accident. Insurance covers accidents caused by OVI and reckless operation too. The only thing insurance won't cover is *intentional" damage. If I get drunk and go drag racing down a street and crash, insurance will cover the crash, because the crash itself was not intentional, ergo, an accident. If I go out, 100% sober, and intentionally drive my car into parked car, then that is NOT covered, and it was an intentional act. Now, if they want to can your ass right afterwards, sure, that's their choice. Some companies do, some companies don't. Most companies would make the best call for the company rather than actively punishing or protecting the employee. High employee-turnover companies that can replace you in a heartbeat will likely kick your ass out the door instantly. For a place that would pay a boatload of money to replace you (think certifications / training / experience etc) they would have to "cut their own nose off to spite their face." If it costs them $1k in extra premiums to keep you, or $30k to train a replacement, what do YOU think they would do?
  7. Vacuum line instead of fuel line? Yikes. Was it done as in intentional short-cut?
  8. TBH, I like the look of the single-sided swingarm, and the low mount hides that. The high mount looks more integral with the bike versus the low mount looks like an add-on.
  9. So, during the game they are OSU cheerleaders, but after the game they become Arizona cheerleaders?
  10. That only counts if you consider the portion of maintenance/fuel over and above a different truck. If the excess maintenance and fuel costs more than purchasing a regular truck then it does not make sense financially to accept this free truck as it becomes a white elephant. However, I struggle to accept that the excess maintenance and extra fuel would offset the cost of a new truck. So, from a penny-pinching-perspective, free truck=good. Now, time to go on patrol and stomp the guts out of some jaywalkers and panhandlers. Someone man the turret gun!
  11. Wouldn't that be "Where young boys become women?" I kid, I kid....
  12. CNN said the guard's handguns, not an AR. No AR involved.
  13. CNN reported he had a history of mental health issues, but his security clearance was not pulled for some reason.
  14. Now they are reporting that he had a shotgun, and took handguns from two guards, but no AR15.
  15. I think she should be allowed to cancel his policy.
  16. Same here. My garage door is only opened to allow my car through. Other than that is stays closed all the time.
  17. I think I should be allowed to stop someone taking out life insurance one me without my approval...
  18. I think we need quicker updates than that.
  19. Most likely is. http://www.snopes.com/autos/mishaps/beating.asp
  20. I don't believe people get automatically fired for crashing a company vehicle. I believe the individual accidents are judged based upon the actions (good faith or bad faith) of the driver, and the insurability of the driver (The impact that the accident and any ticket would have in their driving record)
  21. Lets all laugh and point at him...
  22. After my story about the accident in Dublin on Thursday morning, I'm surprised nobody asked for the video yet. Well, here it is anyway: The accident is not visible, and most of what went on at the scene itself happened with the cameras turned off (they only run while the engine is running) but I stitched together what little was recorded as the car moved around. (As of when I posted this the video is "processing". May be unavailable, or a low resolution version version until processing completes. The video was uploaded in 1080p)
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