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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. How about going for a cheeky triple-lane-change and having a gust of wind almost blow you into a car...
  2. How about changing lane on the freeway then seeing a human-sized chunk of semi tire kicked up into the space you just occupied 4 seconds earlier.
  3. Tells me, though, to take any dire reports with a grain of salt. Some are true, some are not.
  4. I wish I'd been there when the guy who wrote that piece handed the sheet music to someone else for the first time. Second guy must have been life WTF dude?
  5. http://www.snopes.com/photos/technology/fukushima.asp
  6. Scruit


    I'm sick of us doing all this nation building in other countries. We have our own problems to deal with. Let's build OUR nation.
  7. Scruit


    Don't forget the UK has been a HUGE ally to the US throughout all this while other countries have told us to GTFO.
  8. About 50' of paracord in the sling. Looking at doing a belt now.
  9. So he claims the dog attacked his pants and he shot it with a shotgun at close a range...? If that's the case I'd expect the dog's injuries to be basically a 2" through-and-through. The police should be able to tell the difference between long/short range - they do it all the time for humans.
  10. We had paper wasps move in to the soffit above my porch. There were hundreds if not thousands of them swarming around. I took my shop vac and stood there vacuuming them out of the hole there were using to get into the soffit. Took about 30 minutes of me just standing there. I coudl hear as each one went rattling down the vacuum hose, and could tell when the rate slowed down. It was a totally surreal thing - the wasps did not se *me* as the threat, it was the tip of the vacuum they were scared of. They kept trying to attack it and left me alone. Once I got to a point where there was only one or two getting caught per minute I emptied a can of wasp killer into the hose and blocked it with duct tape. Then doused the nest area with another can of spray and blocked off the hole. That was all it took. The gruesome bit was the next day when I emptied the shop vac and found a 6" deep layer of dead wasps. Too many to count.
  11. I always like to hear what causes these accidents. If it is rider error or recklessness then I find it much easier to write off as "won't happen to me" as I don't weave in and out of the shoulder / ride drunk / do 120 in a 35 zone etc. That's not arrogance or schadenfreude - that's me continually weighing the risks of riding and recognizing that if I was in a serious accident that it would affect my family too. The day WILL come when I sell the bike and stick to 4 wheels. Hopefully that decision is prompted by me reaching a ripe old age and buying a caddy with a landau roof instead. When I hear the rider did nothing wrong and was taken out by nothing by fate itself then that is when I worry because I know there's nothing I can do to avoid that. Either way, RIP rider. Thoughts for his family. Y'all stay safe out there.
  12. I requested it as a vanity plate on oplates and was told it was available.
  13. Tried my hand at paracord stuff - made a sling for my AR...
  14. That plate is not a currently registered Ohio plate.
  15. Not even all STOCK plates are 7 digits. Some are 6. (bicentenntiel and special plates like OSU/conservation etc) I wonder if there are any really old plates left over from the 90's when it was blue on white XXX 999 format. Then there are vanity plates which can be any number.
  16. Scruit

    Craigslist Gold

    First one looks like halfway through a conversation. Second one flagged/not available
  17. Look at 01:15. Looks like he's kicking the robber's gun away. Must have had his own.
  18. Imma sit in the bush wearing a ghillie suit then jump out and swear at her in Russian. Yob tvoyou mat, Sooka BLYATT! I'm not Russian, I just watch too many dashcam videos on youtube.
  19. I also asked about the "commitment to purchase" when test driving the STi. Basically, they want you to prove that you are serious and not just joyriding. You are not promising to buy (as the test drive may not go well for you) but they are aggressively weeding out the tire-kickers. I didn't see the form or read the specific wording, but I was given examples of people who have been denied/allowed, and it's simply a case of only allowing serious buyers who have the financial means and the actual motivation to close a sale if they like the car. One guy brought his 17yo kid to look at cars for the kid and they requested a test drive of the STi but the father let it slip that there's no way he'd buy it. Test drive denied.
  20. Update: They got my car finished up this morning. It was only one valve cove that was leaking after the work was done, and that was because the gasket slipped out of place and got pinched. They got it all sorted out, cleaned up the oil (well, 95%, still get a whiff every now and then but it'll burn off) They also apparently waived the $100 diagnosis fee from monday (I asked them to verify the PCV system and turbo were good) because that line item is gone from my invoice here. So they did BOTH valve cover gaskets and rental for $286 out-the-door. I should have paid around $800 for that. I actually feel guilty getting a deal this good. Well, not too guilty... But I know they lost their shirt on this invoice. I'm a regular there and they'll make it back up in future business.
  21. Tried calling her first but got the sense she was avoiding me. Called the postmaster first and just had a word - no official complaint or anything. As of wenesday (3rd consecutive drop) he had not spoken to her. No packages today so I don't know if he spoke to her yet.
  22. I understand your frustration. I'm also impressed you're willing to accept the advice given... which is a refreshing change here... We're more used to someone coming here asking for advice then bitching us out because logic hurts their brain and they wind up doing his own thing anyway. Another option, in the future, is to buy your own shipping label and send it to them. That way you have more control over the shipping method/cost.
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