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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. ATF says:

    This refers to your letter to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Firearms Technology Branch, dated September 24,2003, asking about the modification of an SKS rifle to permit acceptance of a detachable "duckbill-style" ammunition magazine.

    Title 18, United States Code (U.S.C.), Chapter 44, Section 922®, states, in part, that it shall be “unlawful for any person to assemble from imported parts any semiautomatic rifle or any shotgun which is identical to any rifle or shotgun prohibited from importation under Section 925 (d) (3) of this chapter as not being particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes….”

    Currently, SKS rifles capable of accepting a large capacity ammunition-feeding device are prohibited from importation. Therefore, modifying an SKS to accept a large capacity ammunition-feeding device would be a violation of 922 ®.

  2. A detachable mag is illegal on an imported SKS unless it has 4 other US-made parts in the rifle per US 922r. Do you still have the original fixed 10 round mag?

  3. Doe sit have an import date or import stamp on it? Doe sit have the factory built-in mag? I understand adding a detachable mag is problematic legally.

  4. How about this... I'll give you $290 for the lot if you meet me at the Tim Hortons in Urbana on Saturday. Deal? :-) Whatever time works for you.

  5. Let me think about it. It's a ~175 mile round trip. I was gonna check out the Westland Mall gun show next weekend (assuming there's anything there to buy!) for AR stuff. Plus I cannot find any 7.62 ammo ANYWHERE! :-(

    I'll let you know. Thanks!

  6. And you're in Picqua?

  7. What's the condition? And how much do you want for it?

  8. So can I go out and buy a lower receiver now and buy the rest of the parts later and make myself a preban ar15? The lower receiver it the "gun" and everything else is just "parts"...
  9. The states promise not to prosecute but the feds still can.
  10. The proposed AWB would ban sales or transfers of pre-ban firearms once it takes effect. If it's your when the ban starts, then it's yours until they repeal the AWB. This could be the last time in our lifetimes we can buy semi-auto rifles. So yeah, I'm buying.
  11. I don't get how the state can allows CCW in schools - thought t eschool safety zone was a federal thing.
  12. Hi. We haven't met. I am not that type of person.
  13. Buds Guns website keeps crapping out under the strain. :-/ They do have a half-dencent line on Chinese SKSs for ~$300. I can get a polymer stock for that to replace the tatty wood stock.
  14. Looking for options before the inevitable ban. Something for home defense, before I can't buy one any more. Were semi-auto shotguns covered by the '94 AWB?
  15. Everyone place I go seems to be sold out.
  16. I agree with you - but I also see the writing on the wall. I'm not pushing collective responsibility, just collective effort to find a solution.
  17. Look at it he other way - Having someone to blam (the driver) is of not value when the biker is dead nor will is do anything to stop future idiots - you cannot legislate away bad driving, therefore bikers have to inconvenience themselves with tons of safety gear to account for the occasional 4-wheeled moron. Having someone to blame (the shooter) is of no consolation to the families of those killed nor will it do anything to prevent futures shooting - you cannot legislate away murderous intent - therefore the rest of us have to inconvenience ourselves with gun restrictions. (no full auto, NICS checks at gun stores etc)
  18. I go back to my defensive riding analogy. Doesn't matter if it's someone else's fault when you're dead, so you have to take reasonable steps to account for them. Banning motorcycles would not be reasonable, but requiring helmets is easier to justify.
  19. "Out of my cold, dead buttcrack..."
  20. There's more CCWs than police, they are statistically more likely to be there when the crime goes down.
  21. Did she store them in a safe? News reports indicate that she was worried about him before the shooting. One common theme I hear is "It's not MY fault" "It's not the GUN'S fault" or whatever. The ultimate responsibility falls upon the shooter. Sure, I get that. That is of no consolation to the families of the dead, and no reassurance to the rest of the parents in the country. Politically, that is a problem for us. I would draw a parallel between gun ownership and defensive driving on the road... Knowing the accident was the driver's fault is of no consolation to the rider who is killed, or their families. We all have to ride defensively because we know we can't stop bad drivers. Similarly, we must learn to "drive defensively" in gun ownership. What does that mean in practical terms? I dunno. let's talk about it. Stonewalling on both sides will get nothing done, except a crap-load of ineffective feel-good laws that Obama might just have the political backing to introduce right now, that won't stop mass shootings but will tear the 2a to shreds.
  22. "Out of my cold dead hands" could become a reality.
  23. That's the thing about compromise... If nobody compromises then only one side wins. I fear that this time the wrong side will win. If we don't work together on a solution then the govt will do what it thinks will work - and we all know that their solution will be a simple ban. I'm gun owner too, don't forget. I have guns that will be covered by an AWB. i want to keep them. But if keeping them requires compromise then I'm willing to do that - but only if the compromise results in effective solutions. If they institute a 10-deep rule and there's another shooting then what? 5-deep? 2-deep? Some solutions are not solutions. If we compromise on measures that would have stopped the shootings, such as integrating mental health records with NICS, then there will be less need to come back and take more from us.
  24. Because protecting lives is a higher goal than protecting money. Just because we have not yet found a solution doesn't mean we should stop trying.
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