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Everything posted by drc32-0

  1. I assume they are done paving 9 from Centerville to Armstrong Mills? A friend and I were over there a few weeks ago and they were working on the second layer then.That's a pretty fun road too.
  2. http://ldcomfort.com/mens-dryline-shorts.html
  3. 147 does run through Barnesville but the section that was just paved is 10-15 miles east of there.I was over there today and took 9 down from I70(exit 216).Road crews are still paving that section of 9.The recently paved section of 147 runs from 9 at Centerville to 7 at Bellaire along the Ohio river a few miles south of I470.This is the best part of 147.147 is good all the way from Belmont near 149,but this section has a lot more tight stuff...especially around Key and going down the hill into Bellaire.Just watch out for dirt in a couple places due to pipeline projects. Are you thinking about heading down there?
  4. Welcome. Washington county is probably the best county for motorcycle riding in the state.It looks like you've got a good bike for riding/exploring all of those twisty roads. Enjoy.
  5. I agree 100% with that strategy....I stay as far away from trucks as I can.I saw a truck tire blow out,it was an explosion,fire ball and the whole works.I don't want to be within a hundred yards of that on a bike!I don't ride in anyone's blind spot...speed up, slow down, whatever it takes get out of the blind spot.
  6. Sorry to hear about the break downs on your weekend ride.Maybe you can push it back later in the fall when the leaves are changing.The fall color make it just a little better anyway. If you want something a little closer to home to tide you over... ODOT just finished paving 147 from Centerville to Bellaire.It might be a little dirty at times due to pipeline projects,but it's still pretty darn fun!9 from south of I70 through Centerville down to Armstrong Mills is being paved now and should be done soon.
  7. I agree with what Dean said,avoid Chicago and just head north to the Mac bridge. I just took this trip to Aerostitch about 5 weeks ago.I forget what the mileage is to Duluth,but if your thinking Iron Butt mileage this route would be a much better choice than through Chicago.It's pretty much all rural roads and highways so you can turn it up and make better time...especially north of the bridge.I took this route because I wanted to cross the Mac Bridge and do the Tunnel Of Trees road in Michigan which is considered by some to be one of the best motorcycle roads in the US...it's not.I wouldn't put it in the top 15 in SEO.The bridge is very cool but a real pucker moment with 30 mph winds. As for Aerostitch...if you are considering one of their suits I think you're doing it the right way.When I'm going to buy a suit for over $1000 I want it to fit perfect!The young lady that helped me fit my suit spent over an hour making sure that it was just right.Since you are taking you bike they will have you try the suits on on your bike.I bought the R-3 and so far I love it. There are two things I wish I would have bought sooner than I did...an Aerostitch R-3 and a No-Mar tire changer.
  8. You guys need to quit fighting WWII,the present situation has nothing in common with WWII.Your knee jerk response of going and killing a bunch of people and having a bunch of our troops killed will not solve the problem.I don't know how to totally solve the problem,but your scorched earth policy won't work when the enemy is not easily defined like WWII.Your just going to increase the body count on both sides and exacerbate the problem. But have at her cowboy...you'll get the same results that the last guy got fighting a modern guerrilla war with WWII tactics .
  9. Didn't the last administration take the fight to them viciously?How did that work out for us? How do you take it to them viciously when the enemy is in every country and the majority of Muslims are peaceful.how do you know who the enemy is until after the violent act? Shock and awl baby. Mission accomplished!!
  10. That stretch of 78 hasn't been touched...yet. I did find something very,very good today.147 from Centerville(9) to Bellaire has new pavement.This one of my favorite roads and they paved the best section!!!
  11. Where are you heading to on the North/West coast? I'm heading to the north Bay Area around the first week of August. Enjoy your trip and let us know your thoughts on the bike you rent.
  12. In the Glouster area 78 is paved from Glouster to Bishopville,which is probably the county line.I was hoping for a lot more.It's supposed to get paved all the way to McConellsville but there isn't any signs up as of last weekend.The Morgan county section is probably a different contract. Paving is also completed on 78 out in the Muskie Bucket area...from 83 to Olive Green if I remember right. Signs are up,but draped,on 555 in Muskingum county.It looks like it will be an eleven mile section,but that section of 555 is pretty much a snooze,the good stuff down in the Cutler area is still in good shape. Not a whole lot of paving going on on the good stuff that I know of.
  13. It's amazing that far worse terrorist strikes haven't happened in the US by now.It's just a matter of time.
  14. Drill baby,drill....remember that?Kasich is a member of the party that wanted to drill in our national parks,do's it really surprise you that he want's to mine Ohio's playgrounds?
  15. I'll gladly stay out of Columbus.Other than a couple good concert venues (Southern Theater and Ohio Theater),there isn't much there that interests me.I go through Columbus much more than I go to Columbus.
  16. I agree that Ohio has more than it's share of bad drivers,but I think it's more of a big city thing than a state thing.When I travel across the country you can always tell when you get within 10 miles of a big city...traffic speed goes up,much more texting/phone use and territorial lane positioning/cutting people off increases.Just the me,me,me mentality of folks deep in the rat race.
  17. Remember when major corporations were off-shoring all those manufacturing jobs back in the 80's and. 90's?What did you think would happen with the loss of all of that tax base?But hey,at least we can buy cheap socialist Chinese shit in our new information based work force.
  18. Hang in there,536 is scheduled to be paved in 2017. I was working in that area when they paved it back in 2007...I rode it out and back about three nights a week.What a great ride when it's in good condition.
  19. Good route.555 from 37 to 78 is in pretty good condition,some patches but not bad.555 from 377 to 676 is a little rougher but you're not going to be on it that long. Have fun.
  20. Nivin, I am sorry to hear all the bad things that happened today,just try to focus on the fact that a good soul put that bag on the barricade.There's plenty of good people out there...they just don't make the news or get mentioned enough on forums. Just get safely home to your family. Denny
  21. Yes....I agree with ReconRat,go with the Toads.
  22. One look at that rear tire and I think you can see the problem.Not much contact patch when it rolls into a curve.
  23. Maybe not a good road to be on right now,but that's good news.I hope they pave it all the way from 664 to 691. Thanks for the info.
  24. I love my Obamaphone,and I love getting up at 4:30 to drive 68 miles and work 10 hours six days a week to get my EBT. I also love how conservo-nazis throw out the God card when it's obvious that they worship money.Kasich is the poster boy for that shit.
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