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Everything posted by drc32-0

  1. The last fourteen years would make it much more accurate.
  2. I'm definitely better off today than I was six years ago.2014 is shaping up to be my best year ever. As for all is political yadda,yadda b.s....there is only one certainty in politics...incumbents will be re-elected at some where near a 90% rate.Everyone pisses and moans and then puts the same pieces of shit back in office. There is really only one way to fix the problem...vote an anti incumbent ticket! The two party system is a farce.
  3. Is that a current list? If it is old Dave is losing his touch...that's the same old rhetoric we've been hearing from the right wingers for fifteen years.
  4. If you like the tighter technical stuff,take Chuck's advice and hit 676 from 555 to Dale and 530 from Lowell to Warner.Given the present condition of those two roads and 536,I'd take either one over 536.Don't get me wrong,536 is one of the best roads in SEO,but it isn't in the best condition right now.That's going to change in the next couple of years though. If you're into high overlooks check out Kiedaisch Point Park off of 536.It's about 3 miles each way out and back.Probably the best overlook in SEO. If you decide to take 78 from Caldwell to Woodsfield you might want to hit some of the good stuff on 145 south of Lewisville.Heading east on 78 take Swazey Rd(CR44 a mile inside Monroe county line) south to 145,then 145 north to Lewisville where you can continue east on 78.Swazey road is nothing special,just a 4 mile connector between 78 and 145,but that section of 145 is pretty good.A LOT of fracking related construction on Swazey road.
  5. Btw...I work as industrial electrician...currently at a cryo plant over near Woodsfield.If you walk through the parking lot you'll see plates from at least 15 states.There are people there from all over,including a few from Africa. For either work or play I've been to all the lower 48 states and around 10 countries. Every work day I'm around voltages from 480 to 13800 volts,2-3000 amps,lifting stuff up to 10,000 lbs and very high psi's. So please excuse me if I'm not impressed with your itinerary or job hazards Mr My Level.
  6. Wrong...your chances are pretty negligible.What,maybe .000000001 chance of contracting Ebola?You have a much better chance of being killed by a texting driver on the way to the airport. Of course if they move the Jack Daniels shindig to Liberia your chances might go up to my chances of being hit by a left turning driver. Any statisticians out there?
  7. Further proof that dare devils don't die from Ebola.
  8. The sky is falling,the sky is falling!!! You guys are worse than an old ladies knitting circle. While you folks are glued to your computers and t.v. worrying about Ebola,this weekend is looking great....I'm going for a ride.I'll bet that the odds of me dying on my bike this weekend is a lot higher than anyone on this forum getting Ebola.I guess I'm just a dare devil.
  9. Explore Michigan?The Tunnel of Trees?
  10. I would have liked to join this ride,but we're doing one over in SEO.Maybe I can get over there next year and have you show me around.
  11. I know there's quite a few union haters here,but working in a union for the last 27 years has given me a very good life.I don't say f it and I can honestly say I'm happy. Pension is doing fine,annuity looks good,savings is good enough for me,every thing is payed for and I get two to three months off a year.I don't have kids,so the time off allows me to travel and enjoy life...mainly national parks and great motorcycle areas.I look for places I want to be,see if they have work,go there,work and make some money and then play for a few weeks or months.We are blessed with a beautifull,interesting country and I feel blessed that I have been able to experience a lot of it. As a card I just bought for a friends b -day says,"the best things in life are not things." Enjoy...it's later than you think. Haters keep hating.
  12. A new FJR...the journey begins. You will find that your rides will just keep getting longer.You'll start around 100-150 miles maybe,then 250,then 500 and before you know it you'll be looking for twisties several states away. Check out the FJR Forum,if you haven't already.They can tell you anything you'd ever want to know about the FJR. Enjoy!
  13. RCBS...did you take 676 all the way to 555?Personally I like the area between Dale and 555 better than 536,especially now that it has good pavement. If you're looking for other VERY twisty roads you might try...530 from Lowell to 145,and 217 from 218 to Miller south of Gallipolis.The other end of 217 near 141 has some very tight turns also. Just be careful on the first pass on these roads,they all have some turns that could ruin your day.
  14. Chuck...if you do decide to go over to 536,if you have the time go across the bridge in Hanibal,go about 5 miles North on WV2 and take a right onto Proctor Creek rd...you'll know it by the sign warning about dangerous curves.It's by the Proctor post office.It's pretty fun from the get/go but the real fun starts after the swithbacks and you get up on the ridge. It's 26 miles long,but be careful on the last 6 or so,you still have good pavement but no lines and a lot of trucks run that road.The last 6 miles is more of a scenic ride. Proctor T's into 250 in the Cameron area.
  15. I'd love to go over there with you,but I'm still working six days a week and doing the Zanesville to Gallipolis ride Sunday. If the weather holds out I 'm going to try to get over there next Sunday. Have a good time and let us know if you find some good stuff.
  16. And the bottom of it dumps out right at the foot of the great part of 550 and the top is about a mile from 669. Whenever I have a couple of hours to kill I head down to Crooksville and do this loop...669>78>377>266>792>676>555>550>back up 377 and 669 to home.A very fun way to kill a couple hours!!!
  17. I was going to send you a p.m.,but I saw in another thread that you're going to be in WV that weekend. Have fun over there,I didn't get to ride WV nearly as much as I wanted to this year
  18. Mary...we're going to do a ride through that area on Sunday October 5 if you're interested.We'll be starting in Zanesville and finishing up just south of Galipolis.Lots of good roads on very good pavement.
  19. The section from Watertown to 555 was paved last year,Marietta to Watertown was paved about two years ago.They paved the area that was chipsealed about 5 years ago. Yes there are some decreasing radius turns,use caution your first pass,but that goes for ANY road I suggest.
  20. The best part of 676 is between 555 and the small (tiny) town of Dale.It is VERY twisty!it is definitely a road that demands respect.I consider this section of 676 one of the four twistyest rides in SEO. From Watertown to Marietta has some good high speed sweepers,the middle section is a mix of corners and straights.
  21. One more correction...when I say the west end of 124 I'm talking about the area east of Wilksville.I didn't ride it west of Wilksville.
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