If you want I could crunch a few numbers for you and tell you if your nutz or not. Off the top of my head - your going from 2 rotor to 1, so right off the bat your cutting availiable braking in half and that may be tough to overcome. --- What I would do is take your stocker set numbers and compare to what you want to go to. Its a basic hydraulics problem. - I did the same exercise on my vfr. I would need - stock rotor diameter, stock caliper piston diameters, (are they 2 piston pin slider style or 2 & 2 opposed?) and take a quick measurement on the pivot on the stocker master cylinder. It is usually somewhere around 1/2". Then - new rotor diameter - new caliper piston dia and caliper style, 3 & 3 opposed? I may have missed something but this would get you going. -Cant knock it out today,gotta go to school, but could look at it tomorrow. PM me if you want to trade emails.