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mello dude

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Everything posted by mello dude

  1. yes - check out the MOTY website for more info..........
  2. I'm running it in my '98 VFR800 and it cranks it strong every time. No problems - I like it.
  3. I purchased a battery from here -- http://www.motydesign.com/ I had been using a AutoZone "Sealed" battery that lasted a whole 19 months and I was tired of crappy batteries. And this "sealed" battery decided to occasionally drip acid from the top of its case, etching bike parts. I was thinking screw it, I'm gonna jump for the new style high tech battery. The thing is light! Weight about 1.6 lbs vs 7.5 for the old lead acid. Then the lead acid battery is supposed to go for 200 cycle discharges normally and the A123 style is rated for 1000 cycles. So I am expecting to not have to screw with another battery for at least 4 - 5 years. Another plus is that the battery holds 95% charge for 2 years, so no trickle charging over the winter. Just unhook the thing and bring it in the house. Then also there is no acid to eff up parts. Here's a couple pics. Wow what a little dude..... Installed in my battery box..
  4. Then RC is a very cool 2nd bike and will burn the twistys to shreads - I still lust for one. But if you really want sport and some touring, a VFR800 is the way to go. With a suspension upgrade, its a respectable twisty bike. But then you'll have no problem spending a week on the road burning up mountains in several states. - Pretty much why I own one. btw - with a slip-on they sound awesome. Good luck with the RC - it's still a badass bike.
  5. Cleaning house for future move. I have an old Sunn SA 21 head, homemade speaker cabinet with PV force 12" and 18" speakers and tweeters. Also old Midiverb II - reverb,flange, chorus, and delay effects (digital). Old anolog 6 port mixer too. Old stuff but goodies. I used to use it for mic up of my sax. Good for keyboard, sax or whatever. Been sitting gathering dust for quite a while, would like to move it. ---Willing to let go reasonably cheap..... PM if interested. make offer.
  6. Since this is a technical oil thread, more info for grins...... Part 1 What is motor oil really made of? http://www.sportrider.com/tech/146_0308_oil/index.html Part 2 Laboratory and Dyno Analysis http://www.sportrider.com/tech/146_0310_oil/index.html
  7. I dont know what your after, but I have done some crazy riding with the Valkyrie. It pretty fun to scoot up to the tank and slam the beast through some corners with the knee hanging out. Lots of shit eating grins. Does it handle well? Probably better than 700 pounds has a right too...... But yeah sometimes you do drag pegs. Dont care, the first job of a cruiser is to cruise. Its sweet for that. And if you want thrust, wack the loud handle and the 6 cylinders honk loudly and slam you forward. 100hp, 90ft-lbs torque. Its a stump puller. I buy bikes that are high function first priority. If they also have a great bling factor, well thats just a plus too. For me the Valky has both. (Its just personal taste, but V twin motors have never clicked for me.)
  8. I have been kicking around the CCW idea. Under a coat or jacket is no big deal but T-shirt and jeans weather, how do you carry? In baggy jeans? Ankle holsters? Looking for ideas... maybe pics..... thanks
  9. oops- thinking CA is west - yah east. Brainfart of the moment.
  10. ---Oh how I hate the do gooder idiot CA politicians, what starts out there eventually drifts west. Assholes!
  11. I used to be nutz on Vee Dubs. Had several but the best 2 were - I had a tricked out Super Beetle with Weber carbs, a wild cam and headers, and the thing was lowered with stiffer shocks. I could whip that thing around in circles and in the rain I would throw it sideways. I ran gymkana' s with it. - The other Vee Dub was a karma ghia convertible. The back window on the thing was hinged on the bottom and would fold down. Me and a buddy used to kill cans of Bud and whip the emptys out the back window. I'm amazed we never got arrested.
  12. Obama was a half term congressmen and inexperienced too.
  13. All the blow hards are either far left or far right. Its kinda difficult for moderates to stand up and go - hell yeah, we are in the center! Whee! Ha ha! Kinda hard to generate excitement about that.
  14. If the 2012 presidential election ticket is Obama vs Palin, I'm gonna barf. Palin is a one term small town mayor and a half term governor, and nothing but a blow hard. She is less experienced than Obama. What does she know about the ecomomy, foreign policy, military and fighting a war in Afghanistan? Zero, nada, Zilch. Palin as potus scares the hell outta me. btw - l lean right too.
  15. I admit to being a VFR crazy - but this guy has built a kit thats sick! http://www.vfrdiscussion.com/forum/index.php/topic/62726-aa-performance-6th-gen-supercharger-kits/
  16. Super skillz - looks fun - I like the big ass hand brake lever sticking up in the middle of the car.
  17. I think Honda took their marketing guys and designers, stuck 'em on an island hotel, fed 'em lots of tequila and canabis, made them watch the cartoon channel for 12 hours a day, and told them "Dont come out until you have a new design for non-motorcyclists!" Holy crap, WTF was Honda thinking?
  18. I think Dennis Kirk sells replacement parts for that.
  19. Ditto to that - I call it the Californication of America. Lots of bleeding heart idiots looking for a handout. Only there could they build a 500 million dollar Taj Mahal public school in the dead middle of the crappy part of L.A, and then issues California bonds to pay for it. Guess what CA still has to pay that money that they dont have. What are they going to do raise taxes? The state is the worst fiscally in the nation. Too many of them can't fathom a logical argument and think way too simular to this freak of a dumbshit chick... (think Pelosi) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taUJthfnWfs&feature=related
  20. I think the Nick Ienatsch book is the best sport riding book out there. If you dont have it grab a copy.
  21. Ditto! Hey thanks for showing this. I'm taking a piece of 1/8 steel strap from Lowe's, drill a couple holes, bolt one end to the strap and the other to the steel arm that hooks to the door. No way a coat hanger will get that..
  22. Look at VFR800s - simular to your old KAT but twice the bike. I dont know how much you want to spend but you can find even new ones (6th gens) at a good discount.
  23. +1 - double yup me too... bad beer = headache + some nasty consequences on the other end...... :eek: :eek:
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