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Everything posted by drew95gt

  1. drew95gt

    NEO rider down

    Awe that sucks. RIP rider, everyone watch out for those cages out there!
  2. Cash down with small personal loans through my credit union for both bikes. I used to be able to throw a load of cash at toys but child support and a money hungry ex took care of that for me.
  3. Welcome!!! I would look into finding a used Suzuki S40 or V Star 650 on the cheap for a first bike. Just my 2 cents. Good luck with whatever you choose!!!
  4. Congratulations!!! Get ready for the biggest challenge/adventure of your life!! Little girls are loads of fun (I have 2 of 'em).
  5. drew95gt


    It's probably one of those "If you have to ask..." deals.
  6. Took mine at the Delaware location last year and it was the same way, we had 4 no shows and 2 walk-ins. It was August and hot as shit out, so that may have had something to do with the no shows.
  7. Yeah the city officials shouldn't have said that to them....Mongols MC is NOT a group of guys that you want after you.
  8. drew95gt

    2006 vfr800

    Nice bike, there seems to be alot of people lately getting (or wanting to get) VFR's. They are awesome bikes!
  9. This is why I fully support the bill that passed in Arizona regarding asking people suspected of being here illegally for their ID.
  10. That was funny as hell Looney, good find...weird, but good.
  11. Very cool...definitely sped mine up as well. Good find!! Thanks for posting this.
  12. RIP Tim, and my deepest condolences for his family. Very, very tragic.
  13. Welcome and nice SV!!
  14. The new Stone Temple Pilots cd is all good, the newest Alice in Chains cd is very good as well. I don't like alot of the new bands out now...I hate "emo" shit and whiney punk/boy bands with the flock of seagulls haircuts. Them Crooked Vultures, now there is a cool band made up of Queens of the Stone Age/Foo Fighters/Led Zeppelin...can't go wrong there.
  15. 1st- Kawasaki 2nd- Honda 3rd- Suzuki 4th- Yamaha But in reality they all make at least one bike that I would love to have.
  16. Yeah no kidding, and there are kids in high school that have the smarts and drive to go to college but can't afford it through no fault of their own that end up working at McDonald's and pissing away their potential. Sad really, how these thugs and criminals can get a free ride to the college of their choice just because they can throw a ball or run fast. I love football as much as the next guy, but there needs to be higher standards.
  17. Learned that lesson as well, almost went down from gravel in a pair of switchbacks that had washed down from a driveway during a rainstorm the night before. Front wheel kicked out then caught again sharply on the clean pavement, could have been a nasty wreck from that but somehow I stayed off the brakes and pulled it out. You just have to be more careful around blind corners on country roads, there is always sand and gravel where you least expect it. Hope you get your bike fixed soon and glad you weren't hurt too bad. I would just take it as a lesson learned, not the farmers fault.
  18. Sounds like pulmonary edema caused by the methadone. It is more common with heroin overdoses but has been noted some with orally ingested methadone. Sorry for your loss Holly, that methadone is wicked stuff, I lost a friend to a methadone/xanax overdose shortly after high school.
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