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Everything posted by bowdog

  1. I might be in for this as well if it is Sunday, Was down all weekend last weekend and trails were great! Rode from Begley's all the way down to Dorr Run, road the Dorr run loop and back to Belgleys, trails are a little wet around Monday Creek but other than that they were perfect!! And the meatball sub at Monday Creek trailer thingy is FRIGGEN AWESOME!!
  2. Nice! Well let me start looking into this and see what is planned for me for Christmas but I have been wanting a nice range finder I just havn't pulled the trigger. I will get back with you by tomorrow, if anyone else jumps ahead that is ok.
  3. Just recieved mine in the mail, very nice IMO. I like that they are smaller and fit in pocket without being a bother, have not cut anything but they seem pretty sharp out of box as well.
  4. What a turd!! Did he think he was the only one on the road? He is lucky he didnt die taking turns in the other lane!
  5. no laughing here, pretty good idea in my opinion.
  6. Ill sell 1000 rounds of .223 ammo! For the right price!!
  7. Call Of Duty Black Ops servers can kiss my ass!
  8. bowdog

    Off road toy

    You need to bring that bitch to Wayne!
  9. $1.2mil in Hospital costs!?!?! Everyone suing everyone is a problem all in itself but damn that is a lot in medical!
  10. bowdog

    nice black eye howie ;)

    Bet he don't talk back again when you tell him to get in the kitchen!!
  11. Welcome, this is all great but one of the unpublished rules is you must have at least 1000 posts in order to buy guns from this site, but feel free to put all the ones up for sale you want!!
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