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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe

    enbeds vids

    Damn you and your common sense. It works on IE. It must be a setting in Mozilla. Though after looking through the options, I don't see anything. I will continue to look. thanks
  2. ^^ Agreed. Gixxie750, by far has the ability. But the risk for a bike is way more than a car would have with any debris on the road around the next corner. No matter how good your line is, you're rolling the dice all the time. Hell, that's why I really don't like to ride on the street. What the hell is a couch cushion doing in the road? It just takes something like that, and it happened to me a couple years ago. Everyone rides for their own reason though I guess. There is justification to anyone in the risks they take. And someone always on the outside looking in, telling them how wrong it is. Like I was with earlier comments. But without risk, living isn't really living. I think we can all relate a bit to that. It's mitigating the risk that becomes our challenge.
  3. Drew2o2 does on site work. Not thinking he is looking to lend out his gear. But you can PM him and see what the options are
  4. You can still get back to the camping area and hang out. I think parking might be the issue where you would need the pass, but walking over wasn't an issues before. Todd, we'll call you when we get there.
  5. I would bring a scooter and not worry about it. People were all over on pocket bikes and mini bikes when I was there.
  6. I'm getting there early Friday with Casper's better half, to stake claim to some land and set up tents. If anyone needs us to hold them a spot, let me know. I'll do what I can. I'm sure there will be room to crash if people need to. I'll be staying there Sunday night and doing the track day Monday, anyone else going to be there the whole time?
  7. Deluxe W/camping. Perhaps a golf cart, hahaha.
  8. Mojoe

    enbeds vids

    That big a mystery? Really? Am I the only one?
  9. Why do they show up ad a black box on this site and all other sites I'm on, they play?
  10. Watched a little more. That WRX made my eyes bleed. He should have pulled over 3 turns into you getting on him and not being able to pull from you. And he was all over the line too. The cars on Deals piss me off way more than anything bikes do there. Cars/trucks need to get the hell out of the way, as bike have more risk, but more maneuverability. What I ran into last week was slow cruising bikes who didn't know to pull over. I wasn't even giving it effort and these guys were slooooow. This was a mid afternoon pass, just trying to get back to Fontana after spending the day in Tennessee. Regardless, there's no defending what should be done on the track. I'm guilty.
  11. You said it, NEVER ride like this on the road. I got about half way through and couldn't keep seeing you cross the line another dozen times. I never did see any cars you were chasing, but could tell you are a good rider. Well enough to not have to cross the line. I'm guessing anyone who could straighten out the curves would be able to go faster. I might watch the rest later and edit this if need be.
  12. Heading in tomorrow to pick one up if they still have some. Thanks for posting the info.
  13. All those vids make good points. But there is one common issue, timing. I have been to Deals Gaps in my RX7, and just last week in my Legacy. I have done RT555 with several people from here, though I had the RX7 out for that. My point being that timing is everything in running roads like these for a "spirited" drive/ride. I will only run Deals for vids, first thing in the early morning. There's is way too much traffic mid day on any of the fun roads these days. At some point, you have to realize there is going to be a problem. A few weeks ago, Hocklick and I did a 555/669 run. Hardly spirited, but just to get out and see the area. It was a Thursday, mid day = no traffic and left alone. Over all if you want a fun drive or ride, time it out and get up early to hit those roads so you can run your 100%. Otherwise, understand when you are only able to do 50% and feel like you are wasting your time. You could get your car, or you hit. You could get run off the road by a farmer, who's tired of you people racing on the roads in his area. Get there early and get out early, or go to the track where you car be wide open the whole time. And for those who questioning a car Vs. bike on these roads, I'll run the GoPro and be chase in the Legacy or the RX7 for anyone wanting to compare. But all i see is a rider pushing it too far to make a point and there being an accident. jschaf makes good points above.
  14. I think he was doing it wrong.
  15. Pic 3 and 5 were for my car. A little more about the work done. I was referred to Alex because I wanted the piece made with short notice and needed it back ASAP. I brought him the old set up and lengths of the new piping, but it all needed cut to the right angle and length's. From there I "told" him what I was looking for. I had no way of giving him exacts. I just don't have that knowledge for welding. While I talked to him, he was very detailed and focused on getting the info exactly how I wanted it. The bung welded on the pipe, I brought him a tube of the raw metal and made a line with a sharpie with how thin I was hoping to have it on the pipe. He also did this for the elbow the pipe was fitting up to. I was going to be having the the tapping done in the garage where the car is, so it was just small things that I wanted exactly the way I was "hoping". And did I mention I needed it back ASAP!! How's later that night work for you? I brought him parts and left him with an idea. 10pm that night he delivered, just worked out that he was near by where I was that night, exactly what we needed. Alex was awesome to work with and exceeded my demanding hopes. Thanks Alex. The car will be going into testing soon, but this pipe is something we have zero worries about. Click the link below to see the final fit and finish. In the second pic you can see the bung welded on the elbow. The cuppler needs to be a tad longer, the pipe fitment is perfect to the elbow. There's also a bung welded on the IC pipe he put on.
  16. Stuff like that happens to me all the time now, it seems. Feels good when you trouble shoot it and find your own resolve. Congrats on getting water pressure back.
  17. The talent and ability of the drivers has come a long way. The courses are more challenging, and with that comes more danger. Sucks to see people get hurt, but they have to know what they are getting into. Not having people rush right in to help could be a good thing. The car caught on fire. What there should hav been was proper emergancy personnel staged at the jump. I mean it's a JUMP, someone might not it make it!
  18. Probably just my computer, but link didn't work. Awesome progress with this car. Congrats
  19. Actual link? enbed doesn't work
  20. Mojoe


    http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61288 Read this and go from there. It's simple to say the things you have said and not have any follow through. I'm sure that's not your case, but sure you understand too.
  21. Thanks Doc. I camped with the OR guys 2 years ago. Had a great time with them. The thread I did see on there, didn't seem to really have much of a plan. Just seeing if any CR guys were heading up. I'll be getting there early Friday to set up camp. I will have a couple stocked coolers, so if anyone wants to gets some shade and hang out, feel free to stop by for a drink.
  22. I'll be up there Friday- Sunday. Anyone heading up early Friday? Was thinking of holding down an area for us to set up in.
  23. I'll be there with a buddy. I don't get on here much, but have hung out with a few people from here and always had fun. If you see a helmet that says Mojoe, say hi. I'll be the guy slow rolling at the back of the pack. I haven't been on the bike in a year. I'm just looking to get the feel back.
  24. So who's going? I'll be there camping for the weekend with the girlfriend. Anyone else camping? Would like to try to camp is somewhat of a same area to keep an eye on each others gear as a group and to hang out and BS around a fire at night with some drinks. I'm also doing the track day, Monday the 16th. Anyone else going to this?
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