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Everything posted by wagner

  1. I'll spell it out for you in the future since we all can't operate on your level
  2. A. It was a joke, like that political thread. B. You make the biggest assumptions on earth and blanket statements to match and it's comical.
  3. If that dumbass AOC has her way she is going to push that big green turd out on us and we'll be walking everywhere :lolguy: :dumb:
  4. On iTunes now and will be on GooglePlay this week https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dragzine-podcast/id1454071145
  5. I know there are a lot of people who still have a tranny fetish and there's nothing wrong with playing with sticks (I have a stick shift car currently, but dude drops some facts in here. At an industry event I was in a meeting with a clutch company and even they have seen the writing on the wall for years and started a pivot towards "driveline parts".
  6. Well, the pin has been pulled and the grenade has been thrown... https://www.dragzine.com/news/the-dragzine-podcast-episode-one-tyler-crossnoe-and-audrey-worm/ This has been a lot of work and stress but hopefully, it will pay off. I'll just need to wade through all the fools and trolls negative comments to get solid feedback so I can refine it more. I already have the speaker issue sorted out and got more equipment to make things better for the show next week.
  7. Yeah, that was crazy. The amount of tension around that whole deal was intense, those two camps hate each other. You could see it in the lanes in how they prepared, no smiles, they wanted to tear each others heads off. What's crazy is Jason X tree'd the fuck out of Ghost but he drove around him at the top end AND had a massive backfire. They had a big tuneup in that thing. The only thing that could have made it better was if the idiot from Ghost's camp decided to run down the track to the 150 foot mark yelling and screaming would have fell. I locked in on him and started shooting PRAYING he ate shit so I could have got that shot. That's the one thing I hate about grudge racing is all the nut huggers that do stuff like that. Dude never picked up a wrench on that car but acts like he was a part of the win. Go sit in the bleachers with the other ladies and wanna be types...
  8. I hate to say the victim agenda is very real and has infected our society. I had to deal with this week in the racing industry and it's very sad. There is no place in this world for hating someone based on their race. I've distanced myself from a few people within the industry that push stereotypes on social media, I don't need to be around people like that. The current political climate has only made it worse with all the "news" that gets thrown around these days and what you're supposed to be outraged about this week. The whole Brett Kavanaugh shitshow demonstrates how far people are willing to go to push the agenda of one group over the truth.
  9. And we averaged 5 hours of sleep a day, that's a record high for the 10 years I've been going to this race :lolguy:
  10. I just got back from South Georgia Motorsports Park after five days at the biggest heads up race of the year. I was there doing multiple tasks but still contributed about 4,000 words to the coverage plus the majority of the photos. If you're bored you can read some of it here. We took a different approach and really tried to tell the story of this event from the pits rather than the track. https://www.dragzine.com/race-coverage/drag-radial-events/lights-out-10-radial-tire-racing-coverage-from-south-georgia/ While I was there I also had to shoot 2 feature cars and 3 or 4 cars for news items, plus hit advertisers up to get photo assets for future stories in 2019. The biggest change was my official debut as on-camera "talent" for the company. I was a one-man film crew setting up my gear and doing interviews that were shown on the live feed and run on the Dragzine Facebook page. This was a big weekend for me and I think I just created a whole lot more work for myself at future events
  11. Well after months of planning and work this will go live next Friday. The first episode was a learning experience and I've got some new equipment to make future ones easier to record and edit
  12. I'm a lot happier since I left the legal industry. I was chasing a paycheck for the longest time there and realized it wasn't worth it. Doing racecar stuff for a living is fun but it has a lot of challenges. I work very hard to be one of the best in the game and it's not easy. The satisfaction and sense of accomplishment provided by the job makes it worth it, that and I get to do some pretty cool stuff. Ask me this question again after five days of 16-plus hour days this week doing race coverage and the answer might be a bit more salty
  13. "The ability of the police to hide their activity from the public is the hallmark of dictatorships..."
  14. wagner

    Dyno Fire

    This is why I don't get to close to cars on dynos... https://www.dragzine.com/news/flame-on-driver-engulfed-in-flames-during-3000-hp-dyno-pull/
  15. Race in two different classes with them?
  16. Trails is good with the dates so they are being added to their calendar. I'll be sending Jason a copy of the rules soon as well.
  17. Here are the CR List race days that fit in on the National Trail Callender. April 7 Sunday TnT May 10 Track Day June 7 July 12 Aug 2 *I can’t be there September 6* I might not be there due to covering the World 100 at Eldora ****** Official lists as of right meow: CR’s Fastest: Run whatever you have and prove you're a bad man. CR Street: Anything not on a slick. Drag radial street cars go here must have DOT number on the tire and be a street car. CR Daily: for those who have old rusty pickup trucks, Paul’s Grand Marquis, and other slow cars/trucks. Hard Tire ONLY CR bikes: does it have two wheels? good race it and try not to kill yourself. CR sneakers: for the rest of you brokedicks with no car and a gym membership. Eligible for the Big Freddy. ******* List Rules as of 2-2-2019 -You can challenge and race someone above you on the list you compete in outside of CR events. Must be at National Trail, must have one witness and have video footage of race. -You can challenge as many spots as you want at a list night to climb the ladder. -If you aren't at a list race people can challenge you and pass you if you're not there. This is in place to keep things moving and prevent "list lock". -One car per list, so the same person can't have multiple cars on the same list running. - The car must fit spirit of list guidelines - True Street cruise will be required for all classes except the fastest list. - Any vehicle can be trailered to the track. - Official call outs and information will be on Columbusracing. -CR List Official is the final word - Rules can be tweaked AT ANY TIME for parity if puppy kickers want to flex. - Having fun is REQUIRED - Smack talk is encouraged
  18. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Easy there Torreto, you got to earn those spots. 42 is a great facility, but we will be working with National Trail Raceway for this deal. They are being very accommodating to help make this happen. Now, that's not to say there might not be a Columbus vs Cleveland event at 42....
  19. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Will it be able to do a 20-30 mile cruise if needed? The fastest list is geared more toward race cars. Will there be some puppy kickers that jump into the street class, sure. If it becomes a problem the rules might have to be tweaked or people will need to become faster.
  20. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Then they will be 1 and 2. These lists have to start somewhere, you don't show for the first race you will have to climb list from the bottom.
  21. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Top 10 where you can only challenge the person above you. 11-25 will be open challenge like the old lists unless someone has a better method. First race will put everyone on a ladder to race, the winner will be number 1, runner up number 2, and the rest will be seeded from the results of the races.
  22. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Here are the CR List race days that fit in on the National Trail Callender. April 7 Sunday TnT May 10 Track Day June 7 July 12 Aug 2 *I can’t be there September 6* I might not be there due to covering the World 100 at Eldora ****** Official lists as of right meow: CR’s Fastest: Run whatever you have and prove you're a bad man. CR Street: Anything not on a slick. Drag radial street cars go here must have DOT number on the tire and be a street car. CR Daily: for those who have old rusty pickup trucks, Paul’s Grand Marquis, and other slow cars/trucks. Hard Tire ONLY CR bikes: does it have two wheels? good race it and try not to kill yourself. CR sneakers: for the rest of you brokedicks with no car and a gym membership. Eligible for the Big Freddy. ******* List Rules as of 2-2-2019 -You can challenge and race someone above you on the list you compete in outside of CR events. Must be at National Trail, must have one witness and have video footage of race. -You can challenge as many spots as you want at a list night to climb the ladder. -If you aren't at a list race people can challenge you and pass you if you're not there. This is in place to keep things moving and prevent "list lock". -One car per list, so the same person can't have multiple cars on the same list running. - Car must fit spirt of list guidelines - True Street cruise will be required for all classes except fastest list. - Any vehicle can be trailered to the track. -CR List Official is the final word - Rules can be tweaked AT ANY TIME for parity if puppy kickers want to flex. - Having fun is REQUIRED - Smack talk is encouraged
  23. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    One car/person per list. So you can't have two different cars on the same list.
  24. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Still trying to recover from my trip to the Republic of Kalifornia (fucking awful place) so I hope to work on this some over the weekend. I know some of my travel for 2019 and have seen some other local schedules so that should help make this easier. The only x-factor is the No Prep Kings schedule, that will bump a local event around a bit so that will make things interesting.
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