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Everything posted by wagner

  1. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    If I say I'm going to do something I will move heaven and earth to make it happen, no talk here. We've been putting on track rentals and other events for a very long time, if it's something that the site official sponsors it happens.
  2. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Might need a jockey for my hoopty since I'll be leading this parade of insanity. I'm no Big Chief and don't plan on racing the Lists I help administrate.
  3. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    I think there will be plenty of action for 10, 11, and 12 second cars. Remember you can always call people out to race, everything doesn't have to be a list race.
  4. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    They have their own deal going on and this is kind of our deal. If Billy wants to bring the truck in and try to join the list more power to him. There might already something in the works that's going to be much bigger than what I could do, stay tuned
  5. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    I got people from other parts of the state wanting to line up some list vs list races after we get this rolling. So better have your shit right and tight if you want to represent CR against other racers from around the state...
  6. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Just talked with the Operations Manager at Trails and I must say I was impressed. If they follow up with what he was telling me you're going to see a HUGE change there. That being said, we have permission to run our list races there. I'm going to work on some more of the details and dates with them soon. We've got an idea for the trophies for each #1 and I've got a pretty good idea on the general "rules". This should be a lot of fun and hopefully it will draw more people to the site, get more racing going, and motivate some people to make their stuff faster.
  7. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Aye look at this cheeky cunt m8te :lolguy:
  8. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Here's what I know, I've had plenty of people reach out to me about this and they're happy to see it back. Sure some are going to be negative and complain, that's the new norm in this digital world. Just got to follow TayTay's words and shake that shit off... To me, this is going to be worth it when I see two lanes packed with those who want to race and enjoy their cars. I have a call on Thursday to try and get some more stuff moving on this.
  9. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    This doesn't answer any of my questions at all and my feelings are far from hurt. You asked a baited question, got busted, and now are trying to play dumb
  10. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Well Grant, that's a great question so let's dig in. 1. Tell your friend to grow a pair of balls, clearly he has none. 2. Please point out where I have used my car in any way, shape or form to promote this, I'll wait. 3. Please point out where I've said I'll even participate in the racing, because if I'm going to head this up I don't think it would be good if I raced in it. 4. On to the swipe at me about my car: When have I EVER claimed that I've done ANYTHING grand to my car? I always point out how much Scott has helped me. He's NEVER worked on the car without me being right there to help with as much as I know. Soooo, trying to troll, discredit, and stir the shit with me on this isn't going to fly.
  11. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    CR Street: Anything not on a slick. Drag radial street cars go here must have DOT number on the tire and be a street car. CR Daily: for those who have old rusty pickup trucks, Paul’s Grand Marquis, and other slow cars/trucks. Hard Tire ONLY
  12. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    So that means the dragster will come out more, is that what I'm reading here? We might be going 1/4 mile racing if I can get Trails to play ball. I am going to talk with them first to see if they are game. That should remover some barriers and excuses for some of you
  13. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    This is what the new Lists are all about, getting people to do something. Times change and people change but that won't change what this site was founded on. We just can run wild in the streets like we used to My personal life is kind of on fire right now and work is a biblical mess so I will crank on this when I have time. Hopefully, I'll score some reliable assistance to make things work as needed.
  14. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    It might need to be refined slightly, maybe another list added, but in my mind, that list should be for hard tire street cars. If you want to be king of the slow kids with a car like that then more power to you. The thing about being a puppy kicker is that eventually one of those little dogs might get bigger and bite back. All shit talking aside this is about having fun and getting people to actually engage outside of the interwebz, race, bring others to CR, and bring a younger crowd deeper into the sport. I've been around racing long enough to know this will be far from perfect, there will be people who bitch, and there will be drama. We will do the best we can to keep it reasonable and move forward.
  15. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    There won't be of that arm drop bullshit either, running off a Pro Tree as god intended at the drag strip. Going to work on nailing down a venue to get this rolling along with more of the rules. Don't forget during list races you can call out and grudge whoever you want... Official lists as of right meow: CR’s Fastest: Run whatever you have and prove you're a bad man. CR Street: Anything not on a slick. Drag radial street cars go here must have DOT number on the tire and be a street car. CR Daily: for those who have old rusty pickup trucks, Paul’s Grand Marquis, and other slow cars/trucks. Hard Tire ONLY CR bikes: does it have two wheels? good race it and try not to kill yourself. CR sneakers: for the rest of you brokedicks with no car and a gym membership. Eligible for the Big Freddy.
  16. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    That track is unsafe and I wouldn't ask my friends to pay money and put themselves in danger there. Unless the ditch the guardrails and take care of the surface I wouldn't run my car down it and I don't expect others to.
  17. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    There are plenty of eight and nine-second bikes roaming the streets here.
  18. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Sign of the times my friend, 1/4 mile racing at the highest levels is really dying. All the biggest events and fastest classes are switching to 1/8th mile due to insurance, speeds, and costs. You have to go where you can get the job done and the fact is National Trail Raceway has become more and more difficult to work with for us and others. In theory, we could just show up on Friday nights and just do our own thing as part of their shitshow program. Option B is to work with a track like Pacemakers that would be more than happy to welcome us in AND give us the ability to operate as needed. It might also be easier for some to go faster in the 1/8th due to tech. I've been to and raced at a lot of tracks and Trails just doesn't seem to be staffed with people that care, they just want to go through the motions to get paid.
  19. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Yes, that was a misstep on my part, it shall be known as Big Freddy from this moment forward. Still working on securing a partner facility for the races, but it will more than likely be at a 1/8th mile track since the only local 1/4 mile track isn't easy to work with. No idea on times, no idea if the clocks will even be on yet. This is heads-up racing, show up and hope you got a big enough stick to swing. Fact is that legit list races push people who actually want to race to be faster and be the best. Real racing isn't a participation trophy/inclusion culture, it's kill or be killed. You want a ribbon go do something else.
  20. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Got some things in play for really cool hardware for those who hold the number one spot on each list if we can make this happen. For all the fastest spectator and keyboard cowboy you will win a big black dildo named Tom.
  21. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    100% new lists will be created if this goes down. This is for those who actually want to have fun and put the RACING back into Columbus Racing.
  22. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    I've seen it countless times where people cry to get a class to fit their combo, that won't be the case here I can promise you that. You get in where you fit in on the track or you sit in the stands, it's not that hard. Cordell gets it, the simple rules win out. The excuses will flow, that's fine, and that's why there's a slow kid's class. There are two kinds of people: those who shut up and race, and those who bitch on the internet.
  23. Putting this in the kitchen because feelings are going to get hurt and this won't be a safe zone. At this time running list street races in Columbus is going to be nearly impossible. The city has grown to much, lots of traffic, and plenty of people that would love to bitch about it to local news stations. We would have to find some prime spots but then the problem would be keeping all the tards away that just want to watch and FB live. That being said, if we can get some list races together that work with local events at a track what "lists" should we have? Here are some ideas. To be on the list you have to be an active member of Columbus Racing and in good standing. Top person will get to keep a special trophy as long as they hold the spot. Shit talking is expected so if you have feelings this isn't going to be for you. If you don't like the rules go get fisted by a man holding a pineapple... Columbus Racing Unlimited Top 10: Must be a door car, can't run on jet fuel, any tire, better be damn fast. Columbus Racing Top 10: Must be a door car and street legal. If you bring a race car you will get bumped to the unlimited top 10 Columbus Racing Top 10 Bikes: Someone who knows bikes would need to chime in, I know these guys tend to cry about stuff so good luck and god's speed... Columbus Racing Slow Kids Top 10: Mom and dad cars/trucks/SUVs, if it doesn't pass the eye test you get bumped to the normal Top Ten so puppy kickers need not apply.
  24. These days it would be the tour bus filled with excuses...
  25. There was some talk last night of bringing back the lists but there will be a twist. If things work out more info will be posted. And for those with mini vans, SUVs, trucks, and other slow cars we will accommodate for your needs.
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