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Everything posted by wagner

  1. This.... Skimping on safety gear is the biggest mistake people make in racing in my opinion and experience. I've seen guys get hurt in "slow" cars worse than they should because they wanted to save money. I'm a fan of RaceQuip and G-Force helmets. I've also had Simpson and Impact.
  2. I looked into it, did the research, it's a rough deal.
  3. If Jordan was into boats he would have one named "Mitch" Here's my list Jeep Wrangler 1994 Z28 Camaro Honda Element 2008 Top Fuel Toyota Yaris 2008 2500 Silverado 2000 Trans Am
  4. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    After I get back from spending a week in the Republic of Crazy-fornia I'll work on getting a schedule laid down for the bigger list races at Trails this summer. I'll also start working on some of the List rules, going to try and talk to BoostedGT to get his input on what actually is the right way to do some of this, not like the shit they do on Street Outlaws. I think the idea of people being able to challenge for spots with a witness is a solid idea, maybe take cell phone video as well.
  5. wagner

    E36 M3

    Always loved the styling on these cars, it doesn't take much to make them a killer ride for sure. Vortech also makes blowers for them if you bump your head and want to get stupid with mods.
  6. Mom sent pics from their house, blowing and drifting bad in Portage County. Ray's wife posted pics, they got muppet fucked up in Mans-tucky-field.
  7. wagner

    2020 GT500

    One of my friends from CJ Pony Parts posted it, they are laughing at all the bitching for sure.
  8. wagner

    2020 GT500

  9. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Hmmmm, I like this idea...
  10. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Perfect! Bring your car and the wife's out to drag some people around, eat some animal flesh cooked with fire and have a great time.
  11. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Once a month for these races since most have to do a lot of adult things. If you want show up and challenge for a spot at any event feel free. If you just want to come out and grudge race people, come on out. This is really just about getting people to the track to enjoy racing and spend time with friends. There's no official money on the line but if you want to side bet, go for it. The challenge that I'm facing now is how to set the structure of the list races to make sure it's not going to be a log jam and no movement in the top ten. Again, trying to keep this fun and not serious. If you're looking for serious I would suggest running in some type of points series.
  12. Looks like this is shifting north so the majority of Columbus won't get much. For those on the north side hold on to your tits and taints, you could get donged.
  13. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    I've been called worse I didn't say I wouldn't be racing my car, I just won't be participating in the List races at this time. It will be available for grudge races at the list races.
  14. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    Right now I'm waiting on a few more schedules to come out so I can start looking at Friday nights to set these up at Trails. Also going to see if I can find someone to do some filming since I'll be in the middle of everything keeping it rolling. Would also like to find a few people to help me run the lists so there is a few people that can be on site in case I have to travel for work. There's something happening possibly at work where I'll have a bit more travel that will require me to be in front of the camera in 2019.
  15. Weather People Prediction: there will be weather, we kind of know what kind, maybe, and there could be a lot of it, possibly.
  16. Watched the weather channel last night and came to the following conclusion: There's a 100% chance they have no idea what will happen.
  17. Dear Weather Nerds, Are we going to get the epic amount of snowfall that some are predicting this weekend, or will it be a big meh? Thanks, Eric.
  18. wagner

    The Lists 2019?

    If someone else wants to run that I'm fine with it. I can't be anywhere near street racing due to work, I've already been warned.
  19. For those who use the book of face I'll be on Lee Sebring's show tonight at 6:30pm https://www.facebook.com/topendchargezone/
  20. I didn't get the call to write this one, just take the pictures. I've worked with both of them on articles and they always are grateful. Boosted is an absolute riot https://www.dragzine.com/features/kayla-morton-and-chris-hamilton-in-it-for-the-long-haul/
  21. Going to be interesting what the aftermarket does with these things. https://jalopnik.com/the-2020-toyota-supra-is-finally-here-with-335-hp-does-1831719119?utm_medium=socialflow&utm_source=jalopnik_facebook&utm_campaign=socialflow_jalopnik_facebook&fbclid=IwAR1i4YSmoITaMeSbA5UVXx3G1aQ0Vrb5WyFe7F1vnWrFn76AgVCE63wJwWk Wonder how long until we see the first 2j swap, the first 1,000 horsepower car, and the first wrecked one.
  22. Piss the world off, put a rotary in it...
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