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Everything posted by wagner

  1. For those with a tranny fetish check this beast out. This car freaking hauls the mail and really isn't that radical of a combo. Yandro told me they were killing a transmission a weekend when they started to make big power and got it to hook. Impressive what he has done with this car for sure. https://www.dragzine.com/news/the-minion-yandro-ulloas-seven-second-boosted-mustang/
  2. After crunching the numbers for required investment plus the time to recover the money invested Uber just didn't make sense. Now the delivery stuff might be something I look at but I've decided to go in a different direction. I'm going to look into commercial/people work along with making man cave art.
  3. I've done stories on some of these cars and the racing there is out of control. So much better than here where you go to a parking lot to deal with a stereo contest, watch d-bags vape around stance cars, and listen to fart pipes on the chip.
  4. No need to talk me into that, I just need to make it happen before the weather turns nice. Not really set on the upgrade plans with the car yet outside of the nitrous system upgrades. The only set plan is to beat on this thing as much as possible. There might be another project car coming this summer that is a race dedicated only ride.
  5. With all the budget cuts at GM I don't know if I'll be able to score some parts or not. I know exactly what one of these mutt engines is capable of with some pistons, ARP hardware and some boost. It's going to be interesting to see if this project can be brought to life and see what route it goes.
  6. So the editor of Engine Labs is interested in possibly doing a build around this concept. The question is, build an all-motor combo, boosted, or nitrous....
  7. As much as some people want to poke fun this is actually some good info and matches up a bit with the research I did today. If there is one skill I've learned and grown with the new gig it has to be "working the problem". Sitting there just bitching and complaining about a problem or situation won't fix it. You look at angles, do research, come up with a plan and mow shit down. Is Uber the answer, maybe not, but I'll put in more time this weekend to see. If I can't get the numbers to work I'll work on the next possible solution. I've got a lot of stuff I want to accomplish so I'm going to find a way to make it happen. Thanks to those who provided useful feedback and info.
  8. Well my friend has made enough to pay for his racecar build so I'm guessing enough to have enough cash to get things started. Pay off debt first, then apply that money saved towards other items while generating fresh cash...
  9. After looking at things from a business perspective I think that ditching the bad grandpa whip is going to be best. I had already thought about the items Clay mentioned and was going to have chargers available as well. I spent 10 years in a high level customer service role so I know how far small things can go. I've also spent time in Ubers all over the country so I think I have a handle on what will make this easier. At this point I'm going to have to sit down and grind out a business plan and budget to make sure this is going to work how I want it to and see what my income targets will need to be so this is worth my time. Do I want to have to work a second job, no, but it will help me be able to buy a nicer trailer, pay off my truck, and pay for some big house projects I have in mind.
  10. Oh yeah, I do this that will be a must for sure. I'll have to double check the legal side of things to be sure there's no grey area to get me in trouble. Can't post on YouTube, that's how you get in trouble lol. I've also kicked around getting a Camry since they are tanks and not as rough on gas. It will cost me more on the investment but could be worth it.
  11. Sounds like a prime chance to do some hoggin :fuckyeah: I've thought about my high level of hate for stupid people, but this makes the most sense for me. Being tied down to a specific schedule and having to fight with some turd manager to get days off I needed was really something I didn't want to deal with. I look at it this way, I'll have some really good stories after carting people around and I can be fake nice long enough to get the job done.
  12. The amount of money that can be made and the hours will help ease my hate of stupid people. Racecar shit ain't going to pay for itself.
  13. I need to pick up a second job to make some cash to eliminate debt and pay for some projects. A friend of mine told me he was making some nice extra cash driving for Uber and Lyft with a Crown Vic. With the possibility of making close to $500 just working a few days a week I think I want to try but wanted to see what I need to watch out for on these cars.
  14. I did the story on Dario's "Po-Mod" Chevette with the twin turbo setup a while back. He's a very smart guy so it doesn't suprize me that he did this. It's a 30 minute video but worth the watch.
  15. Started purchasing equipment and will try to record a pilot podcast this week or next. Ended up getting the Zoom H4n Pro as my recorder/interface. Raided Amazon for my mic stand, shock mount, and earphones. Going with a Samson Q2U mic to start with. Played around with the Zoom yesterday and got it to record, just need to figure out settings. I was way to tired from PRI to really mess with it. Going to use PodBean as the host since it has the best overall package for what we want to do.
  16. Feral cats are no joke. The smaller cat species are some of the most efficient and deadly hunters compared to big cats. In our old neighborhood, there was a pack of feral cats that roamed around and we had ZERO rodent issues around there. Live in the country now and there are rodents everywhere. I thought about getting an outside only cat to take care of the issue on my property.
  17. Based on how the show is going to be laid out my plan is to use Yetticaster setup as my mic, boom arm, and shock mount. I will record everything into my Zoom H5 recorder (still trying to finalize my cable setup). Will use Garage Band to edit everything together.
  18. Going to record everything from my home office with a simple setup. I've done research on what I need so I will be good to go.
  19. So my Podcast got approved, just need to work on getting equipment and set up.
  20. And that is the general idea we're going with. Covering stuff that doesn't get covered in the written word, fun stories, experts talking about subject matter areas. The host's job for this podcast will be to draw out the info and keep things going. Now, there will be some opinion, but that's not the main focus at all. Example would be having someone like Joe Rivera on from Pro Torque Torque Converters to talk about what they have going on, general converter talk, and answer reader questions. We will have a segment where we talk about news of the week and give our take on it. We will have a segment where a racer or personality from the sport comes on and we just talk, get stories from them, get their ideas on stuff, just general talk you would have. There will be some other things thrown in there and we will adapt as needed based on feedback and results.
  21. I know not everyone is a fan of drag racing, so let's just make this about automotive/racing podcasts in general, but if you want to make a post directed about drag racing feel free. What do you feel is critical in creating good content for an automotive/racing podcast? How long is too long for a podcast? What kind of guest lineup do you like to hear on a show? Do you think a show is more fun to listen to when they take listener questions and use them on the show? If you could create a automotive/racing podcast what would you want on it?
  22. Yes, that actually might be good considering how much fuel is in these it might make it easier.
  23. Right now Cordell has dibs on the fuel.
  24. Living out in the country south of Grove City where I can do hood rat car stuff. You know, one of "those people" who live outside of 270 and have land so we don't have to deal with HOAs or stupid people :fuckyeah:
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