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Everything posted by wagner

  1. There really is a special place in hell for people who take vertical video and photos...
  2. What, it's she's just making a SBR, not like that's a big deal right? That's right up there with all the idiot journalists that were/are trying to make illegal gun purchases to create a "story". I doubt any of them did time.
  3. And that's just the blower motor, that doesn't include what you can do with a checkbook for a turbo motor. The turbo cars in Radial vs The World trim are running in the 208-215 MPH speed range, so we are at a disadvantage in the power department for sure.
  4. Here's an interesting video they did at work about the engine in our Corvette. We actually reset the centrifugal blower record today on radials with a 3.86 at only 194mph in the 1/8th and 1.15 60'.
  5. Tear down statues or destroy money? Is that still a thing with the statues? I know we were outraged about guns for a week but it seems like we're back to Russia. Are we supposed to be mad about the flag still or has that changed as well? I just want life to be simpler again, like in the 80s or 90s when you knew the drug dealer or terrorist in the movie was bad, the good guy did cool shit with a cool catchphrase, and people still smoked wherever the fuck they wanted like hospitals, airports, and schools
  6. At least he didn't get blown by an intern while in office right? I mean that would TOTALLY be bad for the office of the president versus cheating on your wife, mean I can't think of any elected official that's ever been in a sex scandal. ****PLEASE NOTE THE ABOVE IS SARCASM AIMED TO POINT OUT JUST HOW TERRIBLE ELECTED OFFICIALS CAN BE***
  7. Artie did a good job writing it for sure, he is all about the diesel life in a non-truck bro way. When I shot the pictures I was shocked how clean and organized the shop was for sure. If I had a truck that would be the place I took it for work.
  8. So I got the opportunity to do a shop tour at Firepunk and shoot pictures for this article. Great group of guys for sure and I hope I get to shoot more projects they have going on. http://www.dragzine.com/features/shop-tours/brotherhood-built-behind-the-scenes-at-firepunk-diesel/
  9. ****DISCLAIMER I KNOW GUNS ARE BAD AND WOULD HAVE LED TO MOAR DEATHS THIS IS JUST TO BRING UP A POINT*** Guns are a small part of the problem, people are the bigger part. http://nbc4i.com/2018/02/28/police-thwart-womans-alleged-elementary-school-ax-attack/ My mom had a situation when she was a principal where a student went off their meds on their own, attacked the resource officer, ran into the school kitchen and held the staff hostage in there with a knife. After she and another teacher took the kid down and held him there until the cops arrived to haul the little turd away she had to meet with the kid's grandparents. They flat told her it was her fault the kid went off his meds and on the rampage, they can't control him and she needed to do something about it.
  10. My brother is a teacher here in Central Ohio and he goes above and beyond to help his students in and out of the classroom. He is always fighting issues at home to help these kids, it's sad really. People don't understand what educators have to deal with to do their jobs. It's like they're a one armed hooker in a hand job contest...
  11. Another thing to think about is the fact that guns in schools are such a small problem, student on student violence is MUCH bigger. That doesn't grab headlines, win votes, or fit a narrative so you don't hear about it...
  12. A lot of my family on my mom's side all are in the education field. Teachers, Principals, Coaches, Special Education, ect. Most have advanced degrees, my mom has her Doctorate in education so they all know the field well. I myself even looked into education but I can't stand dealing with the parents after years of coaching football and wrestling. Here is my mom's response to all of this. She has extensive experience in the classroom as a teacher for 25 years, a Principal, and Special Education director. She ran a rural school that would get all the turds from the Canton city schools that got kicked out. Our students and families need support! The best school districts I have worked for partnered with county mental health and addiction recovery agencies. We had mental health counselors available to all students and their families year round. Teachers and students had training on bullying and how to be resilient. We had short teacher-led or student-led conversations on the focus of the month..ie kindness or compassion... during homeroom..at lunches. We also had support from our police department and the juvenile court. Our teachers would meet in teams at each grade level during team time to look at every student....with multiple levels of data..attendance...grades.. behavior...test scores..permanent record..we had assessed how each student learned best...visual, tactile, hearing or auditory learners. Teachers would discuss how they would help the students that were struggling as well as to stretch the learning of all students. We had after-school programs on campus and off campus to support students and families. We offered classes from local universities we partnered with... for our parents to take at our school to further their education. We saw a true change in the behavior and improved student achievement....from a failing school to students passing "the tests" and higher scores of academic achievement. I could go on with what we did to improve special education...reading and math scores...career exploration..."academic pep rallies" ..getting kids to be involved in their education..
  13. I would say ask the educators who actually deal with the students, but people won't like their truthful response on how to fix the problem
  14. Look up JP Sears video on social justice warriors, it's amazing.
  15. So much irony in one statement :lolguy: It's like a flashback to when I had to deal with the lawyers from NYC in a previous career all over again. Just keep on trucking my friend in your own little world. I guess to spell things out I should put a disclaimer stating it's my real opinion, to help the slower kids out. ***DISCLAIMER THIS IS MY REAL OPINION*** The gun control crap that is floating around in the toilet of the main stream media is just that, crap. The right won't give an inch and doesn't realize something needs to be done, like real gun control. The left just lets their talking heads run wild and say stupid stuff that makes the right go crazy and stops any real progress. I'm all for some more gun control, but that is USELESS unless you fix the underlying issues in this country. Just keep letting the foundation rot while you try to keep adding more stories, it's the American way. ***END OF OPINION THAT MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT BE WRONG*** Fart noise
  16. Oh I saw that shit on Facebook and thought it was mildly interesting and pointed out just how slanted the garbage of the mainstream media is. He assumes that I take it into my heart and soul as the truth and that I'm a conservative living in a bubble. Hands down the easiest person to troll/exploit on CR in years. Just toss the grenade and what for him to jump on it with all his keyboard might I'll go back to my hole now and watch this shitshow from a distance again. Another question, remember when statues, the Confederate flag, and "white nationalists" were about to destroy America? Well the media sure doesn't :lolguy:
  17. When you assume you only make an ass out of you, not me...
  18. I'm just bringing up the point of how twisted this has all become. I didn't hear the shooter was a white nationalist, last I saw he was a socialist/ANTIFA member. It's hard to find legitimate reporting on this shitshow, sort of like the whole Vegas thing. I did see a story about how the resource officer did nothing, that's kind of jacked up.
  19. Was Clinton blamed for Columbine, was Obama blamed for Sandy Hook? So why is Trump being blamed for Parkland?
  20. The media coverage of this tragic event has been disgusting at best. When you have people who say BELIEVE stuff like this, there's the problem. "Apparently, we can't change society. These assault rifles are the weapons of choice of these murderers. I'm not saying take away your single shot guns, just the semi-automatics and bump stocks. It won't be a perfect solution, but it will at least level the playing field. There will still be shootings, just not such a high body count." "And by focusing on white men with mental health issues, that's not going to happen either. It's not illegal to seek help mentally, unless there is some sort of crime involved. What are they going to do, insist on a register of mentally ill people like sex offenders? That's not going to happen, either. You can't predict when someone is going to go off the deep end and take their anger out on society. You never know, so take away the worst of the problem. That's all I'm saying." People don't want to accept the fact we have a society/people problem. I grew up in a school where the redneck kids had gun racks with guns in their trucks, in the parking lot, at school for decades. Not one shooting ever and I know other rural schools had this too, so what has changed? The United States is a violent country, take away/limit guns knives/swords will be used, take those away cars/trucks will be used. It's a sad cycle with no answer unless we give up some freedoms.
  21. Maybe I'll drag you around a bit on motor.
  22. Well if you need something to jerk on as a compromise you can get one of these sequential deals. I've seen these at PRI and they keep making them better/cheaper. There's a certain twin turbo viper out of Clevland that went to a paddle shifted auto/manual deal and he went full Kobe rape face on everybody. This car is just nasty dem viper sounds
  23. Overseas is getting a Raptor Ranger with a boosted diesel motor. http://www.dieselarmy.com/news/ford-raptor-ranger-diesel-engine-two-turbos-and-ford-performance/
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