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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Yes, you read that right we need a paid chat moderator for our broadcasts. Before I put the cattle call out on social media for this, I thought I would try here first. You must be: Responsible, mature, professional, and able to take direction. It will require you to be online during the entire broadcast, and available to receive direction from the event producer. I have not been told the pay yet, that will be explained I'm sure after we get a few more details figured out. We are looking at personal contacts first, but if you're a known troll on here don't bother because I won't risk my reputation for you. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I've already been burnt recently by trying to help someone out, it's just business. So, who wants to get paid to be a responsible adult, watch racing, and kick hooligans out of a chat room?
  2. Bingo. What's NOT being talked about in the open about the EPA is what all car people should be worried about, trust me. I talk with people in the industry all the time, so what do I know right?
  3. So here is something I had to help with in a pinch and learn on the fly. We needed to upload the selected highlight videos from yesterday. Due to some issues I pretty much had to learn this process on the fly lol. I had to come up with the descriptions for the videos and put them up on the correct Facebook pages for today. So far for Friday's Outlaw Armageddon SpeedVideo coverage we've already set a SpeedVideo record: 436,000 video views, 2.7 million minutes broadcast.
  4. I'm telling you right now, the EPA is trying to squash the aftermarket business. Don't let anybody tell you or try to convince you otherwise, this threat is real. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-harley-davidson-lawsuit-idUSKCN10T1JP
  5. It's a fun and scary deal for sure I'm still working on trying to find balance in my life with this new gig. There are some big ideas that are floating out there that could change things even more for me, so who knows. Right now I'm just trying to help push motorsports to a higher level and tell the stories of those who are the backbone of the sport. And trying to put the RACING back in Columbusracing.com, but that is a tough task for sure :lolguy:
  6. I've been answering e-mails from all over the world about this event, kind of crazy to say the least. Other events have bigger payouts, but they don't carry the same weight as this does for sure. When there's a chance that some of the best no-prep racers in the world won't even make it to the quarter finals you know it's going to be killer. Hopefully our planning pays off and we put on a great show! I'm on the travel list for our next big events: The NMRA All Ford Finals, and the Import vs Domestic World Cup. My life is now consumed by all things racing...
  7. This weekend SpeedVideo will be broadcasting one of the biggest No Prep races live: http://www.speedvideo.com/live-event/live-outlaw-armageddon-2016/ If you follow SpeedVideo or Dragzine on Facebook I was put in charge of the marketing campaign for the event, editorial stories, and had a role in coordinating the event. Hopefully the weather plays nice and everything goes off without a hitch. We still have two of the biggest races in the world coming up: The NMRA finals, and The World Cup Finals: Import vs Domestic. I will actually be at both of those races running video and doing editorial work
  8. wagner


    The scope of the show is still in limbo right now due to work load and staffing. It won't be a carbon copy of what Roadkill does, just a very informal format of racing people doing racing things, and maybe a few poor choices mixed in for comedy
  9. I want to put a boosted Coyote in this car for some reason with a 6 speed behind it.
  10. wagner


    There might be something similar to Roadkill soon that will be filmed in Ohio...
  11. wagner

    Election '16

    The more I educated myself on each main candidate, the less I wanted to vote for them. Besides the legislative branch has more power over my daily life than the sack of shit that lives in the Whitehouse.
  12. wagner

    Election '16

    I find this election highly entertaining. One of my co-workers who is as liberal as they come admits what a scum suckling turd Hillary Clinton is. I'm hearing more people talk about voting third party for the simple fact they can't vote for the dumb bitch or the idiot with the bad wig. Trump says to much stupid stuff to get my vote, and Hillary is just nothing but pure evil in a bad pants suit.
  13. First six second pass from a duramax happened a few weeks ago.
  14. There were always a few idiots who laughed at this truck, until it busted off low 5 second 1/8th mile passes. Very impressive machine for sure, and don't be shocked if you see this thing jump into some heads up racing with door cars in the fall. http://www.dragzine.com/features/car-features/mighty-mopar-ryan-millikens-wicked-nine-second-diesel-dodge-truck/
  15. No, it was a "cheap" roll bar. One of our editors is going to be doing a big story on this. He talked with driver, shop who built the car, and the passenger. From what he was told the days of lax rules in legit standing mile racing might be over after this wreck.
  16. The only time I've seen a roll bar fail like that is when it wasn't built correctly. It's strange the way it crushed like that around the bend. It might have been made of bad material, or not braced correctly. I'm also willing to bet it didn't have enough roll cage for a 1800 hp car. The big thing is the lack oF neck collar or HANS devices. You want a broken neck or base skull fracture? Because that's how you get one. ..
  17. The passenger should have been killed, no HANS, not fire suit, no race seat.... It doesn't even look like the driver had a HANS on either, just stupid. That rollbar barely did its job, again they got lucky as hell. I don't care what people tell you, if you're going quick enough to need the gear it should be in the car. I know NHRA has the rule about 08 cars and newer not needed a roll bar, but that is for cars that are UNMODIFIED. Even then there is no way in hell I would run a car quicker than 11.00 or over 120 with out at least a 6 point. There is so much that can go wrong at the track, protect yourself. Even if you don't care at least do it for those who love you...
  18. Club sports and travel teams are a waste of time and money unless you are at the elite level. People will try to tell you otherwise, but from my family's experience just save your money and time. Unless your kids are true D1/Pro level prospects or REALLY love the sport, it's just a black hole for time and money. My brother got a football ride without them, my sister used low level club volleyball just to stay sharp in the off season, but did not travel and she still got money to play in college. I did some traveling for wrestling but lost all my ride offers after I blew out my knee, but that was all just 1 day opens. I did most of my training for free at open mats a couple nights a week. tl;dr don't get sucked into the trap
  19. Thanks for the kind words Right now just coming off some health issues, and work stuff I'm just not going to have time.
  20. I had the opportunity to do this article so I jumped on it. Anymore I really enjoy telling the story of the "little guy" in the racing world. The big scoop on big names is neat, but it never beats the heartfelt thank you I get from your average guy. http://www.dragzine.com/news/grassroots-heads-up-racing-the-john-holt-nitrous-shootout-series/
  21. Wait, responsibility and accountability? Those things are a thing of the past now, it's all about blaming the cops/teachers/religion/sexual preference/political party.
  22. If you missed the broadcast last night, you can see it all right here. http://www.speedvideo.com/live-event/match-race-madness-barona/
  23. Something to think about: Why is there no "outrage" about what is happening in Chicago? I know its not cops killing people, but to me I would think what is going on there is a bit of a problem that needs some of this "outrage" directed at it. Yesterday I also learned that any white person who shows concern of this is situation is a "closet racist" :dumb:
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